Antares Simulator
Power System Simulator
No Matches
How does the automatic testing script system work ?


Here is an automatic testing python script system.

This program performs the following :

  1. Searches for all studies in a given directory
  2. From each study, retrieves the specifications to make checks on the simulation results of that study (see items below)
  3. Runs a simulation on each study
  4. Given the results of the simulation on a study, makes the checks retrieved at step 2 on these results. Examples :
    • make sure current results and reference resuts are identical
    • check for existence or even content of output files

Note that each study found is supposed to contain the definition of checks performed by scripts after the simulation on the study is completed. So, each study is supposed to contain a file check-config.json for that purpose. This file is build manually for each study.

Entry points to the automatic testing script system

For now, there are 2 entry points that can be used to run tests automatically.


The first one runs tests as we explained above, the second one is a bit different : it does not search for studies, but is given an explicit path to a study. And this study does not contain any check definition under the form of a json file : checks are explicitly defined and supplied in the tests.

We won't comment the second script, as understanding the first one should ease understanding the second.

TO DO : maybe we should think of integrating tests on unfeasible problems in the regular testing system ?


Here we examine the second part of script Note that The first part is dedicated to finding studies and storing the definition of the checks to be made on results after a simulation is run on studies (recall the check-config.json file). Let's look at the (second part).

1 @pytest.mark.json
2 @pytest.mark.parametrize('study_path, test_check_data', json_collector.pairs(), ids=json_collector.testIds())
3 def test(study_path, test_check_data, check_runner):
4 checks = create_checks(study_path, test_check_data, simulation=check_runner.get_simulation())

The content of this script is quite short, despite all the tests it has to perform. This is partially due to the power of pytest and its features : fixtures and especially parametrization, which is responsible for running a test many times, each time with a different set of arguments.

In the following, we comment the content of this script. Lines of this scripts are numbered so that they can be refered to whenever we need.

Line 1 : Following tests are marked as a collection, that is belonging to the same category


pytest comes with the notion of fixture. Fixtures allow executing a piece of code just before a test runs. To take benefit of a fixture, a test needs to be given this fixture as argument. Fixture themselves can also be given arguments, we'll see how we do it (in the context of the current testing system) when we talk about parametrization. Fixtures return a result to be used in the test. Let's look at a simple test :

def my_fixture():
# Define the result some_result to be returned (can be a variable or constant of any kind)
return some_result
def my_test(my_fixture):
# Some use of "my_fixture", as the result of the fixture "my_fixture" itself.
# Some checks.

When my_test executes, it first calls my_fixture, which returns a result. This result can be anything. So it can be a constant (like a string) or an object.

Note that, when a test takes a fixture as argument, this argument is both a way to call the fixture and represents the result of the fixture itself.
As a result, the argument can be (and should be) used in the test. We'll see examples of this in the following.

A fixture can be a bit more complex than the previously displayed one : it can be divided in 2 parts. The first would be a setup operation (executed just before the test begins) and the second part would be a teardown operation (executed just before the test ends). In the previous example, the fixture only has a setup part.

In order to supply a fixture with both setup and teardown, we need to use the yield python keyword. The yield instruction returns the fixture's result back to the test.

def my_fixture():
obj = some_class("""some args""")
yield obj # Returns obj before the test executes
# Here some teardown instruction, therefore performed just before the test's execution ends.
def my_test(my_fixture):
# Some use of "my_fixture", as the result of the fixture "my_fixture" itself.
# Some checks.

Fixtures can be supplied with parameters. This can be done by giving an argument to the fixture. In the following snippet, the fixture study_path only returns the parameter that it's given.

def study_path(request):
return request.param

We'll see at least another example of such feature later on.

Another trait of fixtures is that they can be nested : a fixture can call other fixtures. fixture 1 can have a fixture 2 as an argument. This means that, when fixture 1 comes to execute, fixture 2 is called before execiting fixture 1's body, and so fixture 1 has access to fixture 2's results during its execution.

Tests parametrization

Back to script

Let's recall line 2 :

2 @pytest.mark.parametrize('study_path, test_check_data', json_collector.pairs(), ids=json_collector.testIds())

Here is the place where we allow calling the body of our test multiple times. By "multiple time" we mean that the test will be run with different arguments each time.

In our example, fixture study_path, that is waiting for an argument, will be passed to the test, supplied with a different argument each time.

Same thing for the test_check_data value : it is not a feature (more a simple variable), but it will be passed to the test with a different value each time the test runs.

How do we do that ?

The first argument of the parametrize decorator ('study_path, test_check_data') represents the test's arguments to be changing each time the test runs.

The second argument is a list (json_collector.pairs()). Each element in the list is a pair (tuples with 2 elements) :

  • the first value of the pair is a path to a particular study
  • the second value contains the data about checks that will be preformed on that study's results (after a simulation has run on that study).

So, a test is run for each element of this list. It receives the first value of the pair as first argument, and the second value of the pair as second argument. This means that, for each test, fixture study_path receives as argument a path to a study, and that the variable test_check_data is supplied with an object containing all necessary data to performed a check.

Note : be aware that 2 pairs (study path, checks to do) can have the same study path : several checks can be made on the same study results.

TO CHECK IN CODE : for a given study, can we have many checks requiring as much as simulation runs ? My guess is yes, but to be checked

The test's body

With the previous explanations in mind, we're can describe what's happening when tests are run.

So the test is run multiple times due to parametrization. In fact, the test body is executed as many times as there are elements is the list json_collector.pairs(), that is as many studies spotted by the script (see first part of the script, not commented in this doc).

Run fixtures

Here we talk about line 3 of script

def test(study_path, test_check_data, check_runner):

For a given run of the test's body, that is for each study previously found in a directory, some fixtures are first run.

  1. study_path : as already said above, this fixture is supplied with the path of the current study as only argument. Note that this fixture just returns this path, so this path is available for any use in the current test.
  2. test_check_data : is not a fixture, more a variable containing a definition of the check to be made on the current study's results after a simulation is run on the study.
  3. check_runner : this fixture does not seem to be the result of a parametrization, unlike the 2 first ones. So it seems it is called with the same argument for each study. It is not exactly the case because it calls other fixtures, that eventually call the study_path fixture (which is parametrized as we saw).

Let's look at its content :

def check_runner(simulation, resultsRemover):
# Actions done before the current test
my_check_handler = check_handler(simulation, resultsRemover)
# Running the current test here
yield my_check_handler
# Teardown : actions done after the current test

As we can see, this fixture is a setup/teardown fixture, and it calls 2 other fixtures (simulation and resultsRemover) before running. So when check_runner runs :

  • A simulation is prepared (but not run yet)
  • A remove of resuls associated to this simulation is prepared (but not run yet)
  • A check handler object is returned to the current test, which will be able to use it under the form of its check_runner argument. We'll see that this check handler is responsible for running the simulation and for cleaning the simulation results after a test is completed.

Note that the last line here will be executed when the current test ends.

Checks creation factory

This concerns line 4 of script

checks = create_checks(study_path, test_check_data, simulation=check_runner.get_simulation())

Here we create a list of checks to perform on the results of a simulation on the current study is created.

This list is build from the description of the checks contained in test_check_data.

For that, create_checks is called, with natural information for a check : the path to the study used to fetch things to check, and te kind of thing to check (in test_check_data). The left argument of create_checks is the simulation previoulsy prepared by fixture check_runner. This simulation is needed for special kinds of check : the ones that need the return code of Antares Simulator just after it has run.

Note that all checks in that list is an instance of a class necessarily derived from the more general class check_interface. This parent class forced every child to have a method run() and a method name(), so that, when this list is traversed for any reason, a call to the run() or name() method does not fail.

Note also that, at this stage, the simulation has not been run yet, but will be run at the next line of

Running the checks

This is about line 5 of script

This is the place where the script runs:

  1. the simulation on the current study (this simulation was prepared when running fixture check_runner at test execution start)
  2. the check(s) to be made on the results of this simulation (also prepared when fixture check_runner runs)

Indeed the run() method of the check_runner fixture contains these 2 instructions.

End of tests

As we already saw, the check_runner fixture is a setup/teardown fixture. This means that when each test associated to a study ends, the teardown part of this fixture is run.

Looking at the content of check_handler.teardown() method, we see what it does :

  • It puts back the study's state where it first was. Indeed, some checks modify the studies for their own purpose. The simulation is run with these new study parameters and checks are performed taking into account these changes. If several checks are made on the same study's results, and if every check requires a new simulation run, a tests can fail because a previous one made a change on the study that the current check does not expect. To avoid that, these changes are removed.
  • It removes the simulation results. Again, if several checks are made on a study, that may imply as much associated simulation runs, and in these conditions, retrieving some results' data in a study that has several simulation results directories can lead to an unexpected failure in tests.

How to add a check on a test ?

What to do ?

  1. Create a new python file in the src/tests/run-study-tests/check_on_results
  2. In this file, add the definition of a new class associated to the new check on a simulation run. This class must be derived from the parent class check_interface. This parent class forces you to define a run() and a name() method to your check class.
  3. You'll probably want to add your new check to one or more studies. In this case, you need to add your check to the associated check-config.json. This implies :
    • Defining a json representation of your check and how to insert it in a check-config.json
    • Adding these definitions in a json schema. Note that every found check-config.json is verified against the json schema The schema can be found at : src/tests/run-study-tests/parse_studies/json_schema.json
  4. Add the new check in the check-config.json files you need to.

What NOT to do ?

  • When defining the class for your check, do not supply the constructor with treatments that require a simulation run : in the testing script system, the check instances are created before the simulation is run.
  • In the json schema, defining your check's grammar in the "items" > "properties" > "checks" > "properties" part of is not enough : you must as well declare it in the list of possible checks in the "items" > "properties" > "checks"

Running the script

> cd src/tests/run-study-tests
> python -m pytest -m json --solver-path=/path/to/the/Antares/solver/antares-x.y-solver.exe


Doc : Clarify if a check in the check-config.json can be composed of several sub-checks, and how it works in this case. Code :