29#include <yuni/core/string.h>
31#include <antares/date/date.h>
32#include <antares/inifile/inifile.h>
33#include <antares/optimization-options/options.h>
34#include <antares/study/UnfeasibleProblemBehavior.hpp>
35#include <antares/writer/result_format.h>
36#include "antares/antares/antares.h"
37#include "antares/study/fwd.h"
39#include "parameters/adq-patch-params.h"
40#include "variable-print-info.h"
43namespace Antares::Data
104 bool saveToFile(
const AnyString& filename)
183 bool haveToImport(
int tsKind)
403 bool exportSolutions;
413 HydroPmax hydroPmax = HydroPmax::Daily;
452 void addExcludedVariables(std::vector<std::string>&)
453 RenewableGenerationModelling operator()()
456 bool isAggregated()
457 bool isClusters()
466 } hydroHeuristicPolicy;
504 ResultFormat resultFormat = legacyFilesDirectories;
513 void resetPlayedYears(uint nbOfYears);
516 std::vector<float> yearsWeight;
523const char* SimulationModeToCString(SimulationMode mode);
532bool StringToSimulationMode(SimulationMode& mode, Yuni::CString<20, false> text);
534const char* CompatibilityHydroPmaxToCString(
const Parameters::Compatibility::HydroPmax);
535bool StringToCompatibilityHydroPmax(Parameters::Compatibility::HydroPmax&,
const std::string& text);
Definition variable-print-info.h:97
General data for a study.
Definition parameters.h:51
bool readonly
Read-only mode.
Definition parameters.h:345
PowerFluctuations fluctuations
Power fluctuations.
Definition parameters.h:428
uint nbTimeSeriesLoad
Nb of timeSeries : Load.
Definition parameters.h:248
bool leapYear
Leap year.
Definition parameters.h:214
DayOfTheWeek firstWeekday
First day in the week.
Definition parameters.h:210
std::vector< float > getYearsWeight() const
Get MC years weight dependending on playlist configuration.
Definition parameters.cpp:1437
uint timeSeriesToArchive
TimeSeries to archive.
Definition parameters.h:290
GlobalTransmissionCapacities transmissionCapacities
Transmission capacities.
Definition parameters.h:475
uint exportTimeSeriesInInput
TimeSeries to Import.
Definition parameters.h:313
void prepareForSimulation(const StudyLoadOptions &options)
Prepare all settings for a simulation.
Definition parameters.cpp:1489
HydroHeuristicPolicy hhPolicy
Hydro heuristic policy.
Definition parameters.h:465
bool saveToFile(const AnyString &filename) const
Save data to an ini file.
Definition parameters.cpp:2052
bool noOutput
No output.
Definition parameters.h:492
void fixBadValues()
Try to detect then fix any bad value.
Definition parameters.cpp:1338
HydroPricingMode hpMode
Hydro Pricing Mode.
Definition parameters.h:471
AllVariablesPrintInfo variablesPrintInfo
List of all output variables print info.
Definition parameters.h:233
uint effectiveNbYears
The number of years that will be really performed.
Definition parameters.h:237
uint nbTimeSeriesHydro
Nb of timeSeries : Hydro.
Definition parameters.h:250
bool geographicTrimming
Definition parameters.h:242
bool derated
Definition parameters.h:222
NumberOfCoresMode ncMode
Number of Cores Mode.
Definition parameters.h:445
Yuni::String horizon
Horizon year, not used by the solver.
Definition parameters.h:198
bool isTSGeneratedByPrepro(const TimeSeriesType ts) const
Get if a time-series must be generated by the preprocessor.
Definition parameters.cpp:393
uint nbTimeSeriesThermal
Nb of timeSeries : Thermal.
Definition parameters.h:254
Date::DayInterval simulationDays
Simulation days interval.
Definition parameters.h:206
bool synthesis
Write the simulation synthesis into the output.
Definition parameters.h:348
bool yearByYear
Export results each year.
Definition parameters.h:220
void resetThresholdsAdqPatch()
Reset to default all threshold values in adequacy patch.
RulesScenarioName activeRulesScenario
The current active rules for building scenarios (useful if building mode == custom)
Definition parameters.h:485
uint refreshIntervalSolar
Refresh interval (in years) for timeSeries : Solar.
Definition parameters.h:278
void resetSeeds()
Reset to default all seeds.
Definition parameters.cpp:254
bool spillageBound
Spillage bound.
Definition parameters.h:353
SimplexOptimization simplexOptimizationRange
Simplex optimization range (day/week)
Definition parameters.h:477
SimulationMode mode
Mode of the study (adequacy, economy...)
Definition parameters.h:192
uint timeSeriesToGenerate
TimeSeries to generate.
Definition parameters.h:301
bool loadFromFile(const std::filesystem::path &filename, const StudyVersion &version)
Load data from a file.
Definition parameters.cpp:2035
uint nbTimeSeriesSolar
Nb of timeSeries : Solar.
Definition parameters.h:256
void setYearWeight(uint year, float weight)
Define weight for a MC year.
Definition parameters.cpp:1483
void fixGenRefreshForNTC()
Try to detect then fix TS generation/refresh parameters for NTC.
Definition parameters.cpp:1316
void resetYearsWeigth()
Reset MC year weight to 1 for all years.
Definition parameters.cpp:1431
uint refreshIntervalThermal
Refresh interval (in years) for timeSeries : Thermal.
Definition parameters.h:276
void reset()
Reset to default all values in a structure for general data.
Definition parameters.cpp:281
uint interModal
Definition parameters.h:330
uint seed[seedMax]
Definition parameters.h:500
void resetAdqPatchParameters()
Reset to default all adequacy patch values.
bool thematicTrimming
Custom variable selection (each variable will be manually selected for print by the user)
Definition parameters.h:231
MonthName firstMonthInYear
The first month of the simulation year.
Definition parameters.h:212
DayOfTheWeek dayOfThe1stJanuary
Day of the 1st january.
Definition parameters.h:208
void resetPlaylist(uint nbOfYears)
Reset the playlist (played years and associated years)
Definition parameters.cpp:1795
uint refreshIntervalWind
Refresh interval (in years) for timeSeries : Wind.
Definition parameters.h:274
uint refreshIntervalHydro
Refresh interval (in years) for timeSeries : Hydro.
Definition parameters.h:272
uint timeSeriesAccuracyOnCorrelation
Accuracy on correlation.
Definition parameters.h:359
bool storeTimeseriesNumbers
Store the sampled timeseries numbers.
Definition parameters.h:336
std::vector< bool > yearsFilter
Flag to perform the calculations or not from the solver.
Definition parameters.h:228
bool userPlaylist
Custom playlist (each year will be manually selected by the user)
Definition parameters.h:226
bool useCustomScenario
Custom scenario.
Definition parameters.h:224
bool improveUnitsStartup
Improve units startup.
Definition parameters.h:356
uint timeSeriesToRefresh
Time series to refresh on-line.
Definition parameters.h:267
uint refreshIntervalLoad
Refresh interval (in years) for timeSeries : Load.
Definition parameters.h:270
bool economy() const
Get if the simulation is in economy mode.
Definition parameters.cpp:244
void saveToINI(IniFile &ini) const
Save the internal settings into an INI file.
Definition parameters.cpp:1801
void handleOptimizationOptions(const StudyLoadOptions &options)
Handle priority between command-line option and configuration file.
Definition parameters.cpp:1283
uint nbTimeSeriesWind
Nb of timeSeries : Wind.
Definition parameters.h:252
float getYearsWeightSum() const
Get MC years weight sum dependending on playlist configuration.
Definition parameters.cpp:1453
uint intraModal
TimeSeries where the draws are correlated.
Definition parameters.h:325
SheddingPolicy policy
Shedding policy.
Definition parameters.h:422
bool adequacy() const
Get if the simulation is in adequacy mode.
Definition parameters.cpp:249
bool loadFromINI(const IniFile &ini, const StudyVersion &version)
Load data from an INI file.
Definition parameters.cpp:1203
uint nbYears
Number of years to study.
Definition parameters.h:204
void fixRefreshIntervals()
Try to detect then fix refresh intervals.
Definition parameters.cpp:1293
Definition load-options.h:36
Version of a study.
Definition version.h:36
Data for an INI file.
Definition inifile.h:34
Definition adq-patch-params.h:91
Definition parameters.h:407
Definition parameters.h:373
bool dayAhead
Day ahead reserve.
Definition parameters.h:375
bool strategic
Strategic reserve.
Definition parameters.h:377
bool spinning
Spinning reserve.
Definition parameters.h:379
bool primary
Primary reserve.
Definition parameters.h:381
Definition parameters.h:386
bool minUPTime
Thermal cluster Min U/D Time.
Definition parameters.h:391
Definition parameters.h:366
mpsExportStatus exportMPS
Flag to export mps files.
Definition parameters.h:395
bool hurdleCosts
Hurdle costs.
Definition parameters.h:370
UnfeasibleProblemBehavior unfeasibleProblemBehavior
Enum to define unfeasible problem behavior.
Definition parameters.h:401
bool constraints
Include binding constraints.
Definition parameters.h:368
bool exportStructure
a flag to export structure needed for Antares XPansion
Definition parameters.h:398
Definition parameters.h:449
RenewableGenerationModelling rgModelling
Renewable generation mode.
Definition parameters.h:451
Definition parameters.h:432
void addExcludedVariables(std::vector< std::string > &) const
Some variables rely on dual values & marginal costs.
Definition parameters.cpp:2125
UnitCommitmentMode ucMode
Unit Commitment Mode.
Definition parameters.h:434