Antares Xpansion
Investment simulations for Antares studies
No Matches
Catch::StringRef Member List

This is the complete list of members for Catch::StringRef, including all inherited members.

begin() const (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRefinline
c_str() const -> char const * (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRef
const_iterator typedef (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRef
data() const noexcept -> char const * (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRef
empty() const noexcept -> bool (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRefinline
end() const (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRefinline
isNullTerminated() const noexcept -> bool (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRefinline
operator std::string() const (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRefinlineexplicit
operator!=(StringRef const &other) const noexcept -> bool (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRefinline
operator==(StringRef const &other) const noexcept -> bool (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRef
operator[](size_type index) const noexcept -> char (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRefinline
size() const noexcept -> size_type (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRefinline
size_type typedef (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRef
StringRef() noexcept=default (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRef
StringRef(char const *rawChars) noexcept (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRef
StringRef(char const *rawChars, size_type size) noexcept (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRefinline
StringRef(std::string const &stdString) noexcept (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRefinline
substr(size_type start, size_type length) const noexcept -> StringRef (defined in Catch::StringRef)Catch::StringRef