Antares Xpansion
Investment simulations for Antares studies
This is the complete list of members for SolverAbstract, including all inherited members.
_fp (defined in SolverAbstract) | SolverAbstract | |
_log_file (defined in SolverAbstract) | SolverAbstract | |
_name | SolverAbstract | |
_streams | SolverAbstract | |
add_cols(int newcol, int newnz, const double *objx, const int *mstart, const int *mrwind, const double *dmatval, const double *bdl, const double *bdu, const std::vector< std::string > &col_names)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
add_name(int type, const char *cnames, int indice)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
add_names(int type, const std::vector< std::string > &cnames, int first, int end)=0 (defined in SolverAbstract) | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
add_rows(int newrows, int newnz, const char *qrtype, const double *rhs, const double *range, const int *mstart, const int *mclind, const double *dmatval, const std::vector< std::string > &row_names)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
add_stream(std::ostream &stream) | SolverAbstract | inline |
chg_bounds(const std::vector< int > &mindex, const std::vector< char > &qbtype, const std::vector< double > &bnd)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
chg_coef(int id_row, int id_col, double val)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
chg_col_name(int id_col, const std::string &name)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
chg_col_type(const std::vector< int > &mindex, const std::vector< char > &qctype)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
chg_obj(const std::vector< int > &mindex, const std::vector< double > &obj)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
chg_obj_direction(const bool minimize)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
chg_rhs(int id_row, double val)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
chg_row_name(int id_row, const std::string &name)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
copy_prob(Ptr fictif_solv)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
del_rows(int first, int last)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
free()=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_basis(int *rstatus, int *cstatus) const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_col_index(const std::string &name)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_col_names(int first, int last)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_col_names()=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_col_type(char *coltype, int first, int last) const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_lb(double *lb, int fisrt, int last) const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_lp_sol(double *primals, double *duals, double *reduced_costs) const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_lp_value() const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_mip_sol(double *primals)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_mip_value() const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_n_integer_vars() const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_ncols() const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_nelems() const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_nrows() const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_number_of_instances()=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_obj(double *obj, int first, int last) const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_rhs(double *rhs, int first, int last) const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_rhs_range(double *range, int first, int last) const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_row_index(const std::string &name)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_row_names(int first, int last)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_row_names()=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_row_type(char *qrtype, int first, int last) const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_rows(int *mstart, int *mclind, double *dmatval, int size, int *nels, int first, int last) const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_solver_name() const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_splex_num_of_ite_last() const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
get_stream() | SolverAbstract | inline |
get_ub(double *ub, int fisrt, int last) const =0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
init()=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
operator==(const SolverAbstract &) const (defined in SolverAbstract) | SolverAbstract | |
Ptr typedef | SolverAbstract | |
read_basis(const std::filesystem::path &filename)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
read_prob_lp(const std::filesystem::path &filename)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
read_prob_mps(const std::filesystem::path &filename)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
restore_prob(const std::filesystem::path &filename)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
save_prob(const std::filesystem::path &filename)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
set_algorithm(const std::string &algo)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
set_fp(FILE *fp) (defined in SolverAbstract) | SolverAbstract | inline |
set_obj(const double *obj, int first, int last)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
set_obj_to_zero()=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
set_optimality_gap(double gap)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
set_output_log_level(int loglevel)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
set_simplex_iter(int iter)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
set_threads(int n_threads)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
solve_lp()=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
solve_mip()=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
SOLVER_STRING_STATUS (defined in SolverAbstract) | SolverAbstract | |
SolverAbstract() | SolverAbstract | inline |
SolverAbstract(const std::string &name, const SolverAbstract::Ptr toCopy) | SolverAbstract | inline |
write_basis(const std::filesystem::path &filename)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
write_prob_lp(const std::filesystem::path &filename)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
write_prob_mps(const std::filesystem::path &filename)=0 | SolverAbstract | pure virtual |
zero_status_check(int status, const std::string &action_failed, const std::string &log_location) const | SolverAbstract | inline |
~SolverAbstract() | SolverAbstract | inlinevirtual |