Antares Xpansion
Investment simulations for Antares studies
No Matches
Dependencies install

Antares-Xpansion depends on several mandatory libraries:

This section describes the installation procedures for the third-party open source libraries used by Antares-Xpansion. The installation procedure can be done:

  • By using a package manager,
  • By compiling the sources after cloning the official git repository.

Install with a VCPKG package manager

This is the preferred method for installing dependencies. Dependencies are described in the vcpkg.json file.

Configure VCPKG

git submodule update --init vcpkg
cd vcpkg
./ -disableMetrics
# Or for windows
.\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat -disableMetrics

Installing dependencies

Dependencies can be installed with the following command but is not the prefered method

#Repository root
./vcpkg/vcpkg install

The preferred method is to install and update dependencies at configure time with cmake like in the following example:

#Repository root
cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
cmake --build build

Runtime dependency

When running Antares-Xpansion in parallel, mpirun is used. It is installed through VCPKG but needs to be added to the PATH.

export PATH=$PATH:<path_to_vcpkg>/installed/<triplet>/tools/openmpi/bin

Alternatively you can install openmpi yourself

Other dependencies

  • Antares Simulator: either build it from source, download precompiled binaries or use the automatic build method
  • Or-tools: either build it from source, download precompiled binaries or use the automatic build method
    • If you are downloading pre-compiled binaries of or-tools you need to select a version supporting Sirius solver

Using pre-build dependency

If using built from source or pre-built release of Simulator, Or-tools-rte or other dependency, you can specify the path to the dependency in the CMake configuration.

cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="<path_to_simulator>;<path_to_or_tools>"


  • Antares Simulator: usually the latest version is recommended. You can check antares-version.json for the specific version tied to your code version.
  • Or-tools-rte: Or-tools-rte is not a direct dependency of Xpansion but one of Simulator, the version or or-tools-rte should match the version used by your version of Simulator. You can check antares-version.json for the specific version tied to your code version. Select the <your-plateform> file. Other variants may work but are not tested.

Automatic Antares Simulator build

If Antares Simulator is not installed, it will be automatically downloaded and built by the build system.