Antares Xpansion
Investment simulations for Antares studies
This is the complete list of members for Catch::IConfig, including all inherited members.
abortAfter() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
allowThrows() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
benchmarkConfidenceInterval() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
benchmarkNoAnalysis() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
benchmarkResamples() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
benchmarkSamples() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
benchmarkWarmupTime() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
getSectionsToRun() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
getTestsOrTags() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
hasTestFilters() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
includeSuccessfulResults() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
minDuration() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
name() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
NonCopyable() (defined in Catch::NonCopyable) | Catch::NonCopyable | protected |
rngSeed() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
runOrder() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
shouldDebugBreak() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
showDurations() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
showInvisibles() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
stream() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
testSpec() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
useColour() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
verbosity() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
warnAboutMissingAssertions() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
warnAboutNoTests() const =0 (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | pure virtual |
~IConfig() (defined in Catch::IConfig) | Catch::IConfig | virtual |
~NonCopyable() (defined in Catch::NonCopyable) | Catch::NonCopyable | protectedvirtual |