Antares Simulator
Power System Simulator
No Matches
Antares::Action::Context Class Reference

Public Types

using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<Context>
using Properties = std::map<Yuni::String, Yuni::String>
 Map of properties.
using LocalView = std::map<Yuni::CString<50, false>, IAction::Ptr>
 Local view.
using Views = std::map<Yuni::CString<50, false>, LocalView>
using AreaNameMappingForceCreate = std::map<Data::AreaName, bool>
 Area name mapping.
using PlantNameMappingForceCreate = std::map<Data::AreaName, bool>
using ConstraintMappingForceCreate = std::map<Data::ConstraintName, bool>

Public Attributes

Data::Area::Vector autoselectAreas
 List of areas to select after the paste.
Data::AreaLink::Vector autoselectLinks
 List of links to select after the paste.
Data::BindingConstraintsRepository::Vector autoselectConstraints
 List of binding constraints to select after the paste.

Constructor & Destructor

Data::Study::Ptr study
 The target study.
Data::Study::Ptr extStudy
 An optional external study, which will be destroyed with this class.
const size_t layerID
 The current Area.
 The current Thermal cluster.
 The current Link.
 The original cluster name.
std::shared_ptr< Data::BindingConstraintconstraint
 The current constraint.
Views view
Properties property
 All properties.
Data::Area::NameMapping areaNameMapping
 Area name mapping.
Data::Area::NameMapping areaLowerNameMapping
AreaNameMappingForceCreate areaForceCreate
 Area name mapping, force creation.
PlantNameMappingForceCreate clusterForceCreate
ConstraintMappingForceCreate constraintForceCreate
Yuni::String message
 Temporary string for message formatting.
Yuni::Bind< void(const Yuni::String &)> updateMessageUI
 Delegate to update the interface.
 Context (Data::Study::Ptr targetStudy, const size_t layer=0)
 ~Context ()=default
void reset ()
 Reset internal data.

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