Antares Simulator
Power System Simulator
No Matches
Antares::CBuilder Class Referencefinal

Public Types

typedef std::vector< linkInfo * > Vector
typedef std::map< linkInfo *, double > WeightMap
typedef std::map< linkInfo *, double > Pattern
typedef std::vector< Pattern > VectorOfPatterns
typedef std::map< uint, Pattern * > Map

Constructor & Destructor

std::vector< std::shared_ptr< linkInfo > > pLink
 CBuilder (Antares::Data::Study &)
 Default constructor.
 ~CBuilder ()=default
bool runConstraintsBuilder (bool standalone=false)
 Independent function to run the constraint generator from a study.
bool completeFromStudy ()
 Complete the settings with the data from the study.
bool deletePreviousConstraints ()
 Delete the network constraints.
bool saveCBuilderToFile (const String &filename="") const
bool completeCBuilderFromFile (const std::string &filename="")
int alreadyExistingNetworkConstraints (const Yuni::String &prefix) const
 check if network constraints already exists in the study
linkInfofindLinkInfoFromNodeNames (Data::AreaName &u, Data::AreaName &v)
 find an edge from node names
void buildAreaToLinkInfosMap ()
 build list of edges from area
linkInfogetLink (uint i)
size_t linkCount ()
bool isCycleDriver (linkInfo *)
uint cycleCount (linkInfo *lnkI)
bool createConstraints (const std::vector< Vector > &)
 create all the network constraints based on a mesh
double setInfinite (const long value)
bool setCheckNodalLoopFlow (const bool value)
bool setLoopFlowInclusion (const bool value)
bool setPhaseShiftInclusion (const bool value)
double getInfinite ()
bool getCheckNodalLoopFlow ()
bool getLoopFlowInclusion ()
bool getPhaseShiftInclusion ()
bool setUpToDate (const bool value)
bool getUpToDate ()
bool update ()
bool updateLinks ()
bool checkValidityOfNodalLoopFlow (linkInfo *linkInfo, size_t hour)
void updateLinkPhaseShift (linkInfo *linkInfo, size_t hour) const
bool checkLinkPhaseShift (linkInfo *linkInfo, size_t hour) const
void setCalendarStart (int start)
void setCalendarEnd (int end)
uint getCalendarStart ()
uint getCalendarEnd ()

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