Antares Simulator
Power System Simulator
No Matches
Antares::Data::AdequacyPatch::CurtailmentSharing Class Reference

Public Member Functions

bool updateFromKeyValue (const Yuni::String &key, const Yuni::String &value)
void addProperties (IniFile::Section *section) const
void reset ()

Public Attributes

AdqPatchPTO priceTakingOrder
 PTO (Price Taking Order) for adequacy patch. User can choose between DENS and Load.
double thresholdRun
 Threshold to initiate curtailment sharing rule.
double thresholdDisplayViolations
 Threshold to display Local Matching Rule violations.
int thresholdVarBoundsRelaxation
 CSR Variables relaxation threshold.
bool includeHurdleCost
 Include hurdle cost in CSR cost function.
bool checkCsrCostFunction
 Check CSR cost function prior & after CSR optimization.

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