Antares Simulator
Power System Simulator
No Matches
Antares::Data::Sets Class Referencefinal


class  Options

Public Types

enum  RuleType {
  ruleNone = 0 , ruleAdd , ruleRemove , ruleFilter ,
using IDType = Yuni::ShortString128
using SetAreasType = std::set<Area*, CompareAreaName>
 A single set of areas.
using TypePtr = std::shared_ptr<SetAreasType>
using MapType = std::map<IDType, TypePtr>
 Map of Item.
using iterator = MapType::iterator
 Standard iterators from the STL.
using const_iterator = MapType::const_iterator
 Standard iterators from the STL (const)
using Rule = std::pair<RuleType, std::string>
 Definition of a single rule.
using RuleSet = std::vector<Rule>
 Rule Set.
using MapOptions = std::map<IDType, Options>

Public Member Functions

Constructor & Destructor
 Sets ()=default
 Default constructor.
 Sets (const Sets &rhs)
 Copy constructor.
 ~Sets ()=default


iterator begin ()
const_iterator begin () const
iterator end ()
const_iterator end () const
void clear ()
 Clear all groups.
bool forceReload (bool) const
void markAsModified () const
uint size () const
bool hasOutput (const Yuni::ShortString128 &s) const
 Get if the results for a given group should be written to the output.
bool hasOutput (const uint index) const
 Get if the results for a given group should be written to the output.
uint resultSize (const Yuni::ShortString128 &s) const
 Get the size of a result set.
uint resultSize (const uint index) const
 Get the size of a result set.
void dumpToLogs () const
bool loadFromFile (const std::filesystem::path &filename)
 Load a rule set from an INI File.
bool saveToFile (const Yuni::String &filename) const
YString toString ()
 format the string to match the options
void defaultForAreas ()
 Create default groups for set of areas.
void rebuildAllFromRules (SetHandlerAreas &handler)
 Rebuild the lists of all group from the rules.
const IDType & nameByIndex (const uint i) const
IDType caption (const Yuni::ShortString128 &s) const
IDType caption (const uint i) const
SetAreasTypeoperator[] (uint i)
const SetAreasTypeoperator[] (uint i) const

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