Antares Simulator
Power System Simulator
No Matches
Antares::Solver::Private::Simulation::CacheData Class Reference

Public Member Functions

void initialize (const Antares::Data::Parameters &parameters)
 Re-Initialize the inner variables.

Public Attributes

bool haveToRefreshTSLoad
 True if the prepro load must be used.
bool haveToRefreshTSSolar
 True if the prepro solar must be used.
bool haveToRefreshTSWind
 True if the prepro wind must be used.
bool haveToRefreshTSHydro
 True if the prepro hydro must be used.
bool haveToRefreshTSThermal
 True if the prepro thermal must be used.
unsigned int refreshIntervalLoad
 Refresh time interval for Load.
unsigned int refreshIntervalSolar
 Refresh time interval for Solar.
unsigned int refreshIntervalHydro
 Refresh time interval for Hydro.
unsigned int refreshIntervalWind
 Refresh time interval for wind.
unsigned int refreshIntervalThermal
 Refresh time interval for thermal.

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