Antares Simulator
Power System Simulator
No Matches
Antares::Solver::Simulation::ISimulation< Impl > Class Template Reference
Inheritance diagram for Antares::Solver::Simulation::ISimulation< Impl >:


class yearJob< Impl >

Constructor & Destructor

 Reference to the current study.
const ::Settingssettings
 The global settings.
std::shared_ptr< Yuni::Job::QueueService > pQueueService = nullptr
 The queue service that runs every set of parallel years.
 Result writer.
std::reference_wrapper< ISimulationObserversimulationObserver_
 ISimulation (Data::Study &study, const ::Settings &settings, Benchmarking::DurationCollector &duration_collector, IResultWriter &resultWriter, Simulation::ISimulationObserver &simulationObserver)
 Constructor (with a given study)
 ~ISimulation ()
void checkWriter () const
void run ()
 Run the simulation.
void writeResults (bool synthesis, uint year=0, uint numSpace=9999)
 Export the results to disk.

Member Function Documentation

◆ writeResults()

template<class ImplementationType >
void Antares::Solver::Simulation::ISimulation< ImplementationType >::writeResults ( bool synthesis,
uint year = 0,
uint numSpace = 9999 )

Export the results to disk.

Template Parameters
ResultsForYearByYearFalse to write down the rglobal esults of the simulation, true for the results of the current year (year-by-year mode)
yearThe current year, if applicable

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: