Antares Simulator
Power System Simulator
No Matches
Antares::Toolbox::Components::WizardHeader Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Antares::Toolbox::Components::WizardHeader:

Static Public Member Functions

static Antares::Component::PanelCreate (wxWindow *parent, const wxString &caption, const char *img, const wxString &help=wxEmptyString, const int wrap=500, bool customDraw=true)
 Create a new instance.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Antares::Component::Panel
static void OnMouseMoveFromExternalComponent ()
 Event triggered by any other component (not derived from Panel)

Constructor & Destructor

int sizeNeeded
 WizardHeader (wxWindow *parent, const char *icon, const wxString &text, const wxString &sub)
virtual ~WizardHeader ()
virtual void onDraw (wxPaintEvent &evt)
 Event: The panel has to draw itself.
virtual void onEraseBackground (wxEraseEvent &)
 UI Event: Erase background.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Antares::Component::Panel
 Panel (wxWindow *parent)
virtual ~Panel ()
virtual void onMouseDown (wxMouseEvent &)
 Click down.
virtual void onMouseUp (wxMouseEvent &)
 Click up.
virtual void onMouseClick ()
 The panel has been clicked (delayed)
virtual void onMouseEnter ()
 The mouse has entered.
virtual void onMouseLeave ()
 The mouse has leaved.
virtual void onMouseMoved (int, int)
 The mouse has moved.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Antares::Component::Panel
virtual bool triggerMouseClickEvent () const

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