class | JobThread |
class | TimerElapsedTime |
class | TimerRemainingTime |
bool | isRunning () const |
| Get if the job is running.
bool | run () |
| Run the job.
void | stop () |
| Stop the job gracefully.
virtual bool | executeTask ()=0 |
| Execute the real task.
void | updateTheProgressValue (double progress) |
| Update the progress value.
void | updateTheMessage (const wxString &msg, bool mustBeInterpreted=true) |
| Update the message displayed for the user.
virtual void | onBeforeRunning () |
| Event: Before the thread is launched.
virtual bool | onRunQuery () |
| Event: Ask if the job is allow to run.
virtual void | onCancel () |
| Event: The user ask to cancel the operation.
void | stopAllGuiComponents () |
| Gracefully Stop all Gui components.
void | manageLogLevelMessage (enum LogLevel lvl, const wxString &msg) |
| Dispatch a log entry, grabbed from from the standard output.
void | onCancel (void *) |
| Event: The user asks to cancel the operation.
void | evtOnClose (wxCloseEvent &evt) |
void | onLogMessage (int, const std::string &message) |
wxSizer * | createMainPnl (wxWindow *parent) |
| Create the main panel, which contains all important controls.
wxSizer * | createPnlButtons (wxWindow *parent) |
| Create the bottom panel, which contains buttons to cancel and to continue.
wxSizer * | createPnlLoading (wxWindow *parent) |
void | displayGauge (const bool visible=true) |
| Display (or not) the gauge.
void | displayMessage (const wxString &line) |
void | onUIUpdateProgression (uint value) |
void | onUIUpdateMessage () |
void | onUIUpdateLabelErrors () |
void | onUIUpdateElapsedTime (const Yuni::String &text) |
void | onUIUpdateRemainingTime (const Yuni::String &text) |
void | evtOnInit (wxInitDialogEvent &event) |
void | deleteAllThreads () |
void | recomputeWindowSize () |
void | disableAllComponents () |