Antares Simulator
Power System Simulator
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Antares::Window::Inspector::InspectorData Class Referencefinal

Collection of items to view/edit from an inspector. More...

#include <data.h>

Public Types

using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<InspectorData>
 The most suitable smart pointer for the class.

Constructor & Destructor

Data::Study::Ptr study
 Reference to the study.
bool empty
 Flag to fastly know if the selection is empty.
Data::Area::Set areas
 All selected areas.
Data::AreaLink::Set links
 All selected links.
Data::ThermalCluster::Set ThClusters
 All selected thermal clusters.
Data::RenewableCluster::Set RnClusters
 All selected renewable clusters.
Data::BindingConstraintsRepository::Set constraints
 All selected binding constraints.
Data::Study::Set studies
 All studies.
 InspectorData (Data::Study::Ptr study)
 Default constructor.
 ~InspectorData ()
void clear ()
void determineEmpty ()
uint totalNbOfItems () const
 Get the total number of items in this set.

Detailed Description

Collection of items to view/edit from an inspector.

This class should be renamed

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