Antares Simulator
Power System Simulator
No Matches
ConstraintBuilder Class Reference

#include <ConstraintBuilder.h>


class  ConstraintBuilderInvalidOperator

Public Member Functions

 ConstraintBuilder (ConstraintBuilderData &data)
ConstraintBuilderupdateHourWithinWeek (unsigned hour)


Documentation for non obvious methods

indexlocal index of the variable
offsetoffset from the current time step
deltanumber of time steps for the variable
reference of *this
ConstraintBuilderDispatchableProduction (unsigned int index, double coeff, int offset=0, int delta=0)
ConstraintBuilderNumberOfDispatchableUnits (unsigned int index, double coeff)
ConstraintBuilderNumberStoppingDispatchableUnits (unsigned int index, double coeff)
ConstraintBuilderNumberStartingDispatchableUnits (unsigned int index, double coeff)
ConstraintBuilderNumberBreakingDownDispatchableUnits (unsigned int index, double coeff)
ConstraintBuilderNTCDirect (unsigned int index, double coeff, int offset=0, int delta=0)
ConstraintBuilderIntercoDirectCost (unsigned int index, double coeff)
ConstraintBuilderIntercoIndirectCost (unsigned int index, double coeff)
ConstraintBuilderShortTermStorageInjection (unsigned int index, double coeff, int offset=0, int delta=0)
ConstraintBuilderShortTermStorageWithdrawal (unsigned int index, double coeff, int offset=0, int delta=0)
ConstraintBuilderShortTermStorageLevel (unsigned int index, double coeff, int offset=0, int delta=0)
ConstraintBuilderShortTermCostVariationInjection (unsigned int index, double coeff, int offset=0, int delta=0)
ConstraintBuilderShortTermCostVariationWithdrawal (unsigned int index, double coeff, int offset=0, int delta=0)
ConstraintBuilderHydProd (unsigned int index, double coeff)
ConstraintBuilderHydProdDown (unsigned int index, double coeff)
ConstraintBuilderHydProdUp (unsigned int index, double coeff)
ConstraintBuilderPumping (unsigned int index, double coeff)
ConstraintBuilderHydroLevel (unsigned int index, double coeff)
ConstraintBuilderOverflow (unsigned int index, double coeff)
ConstraintBuilderFinalStorage (unsigned int index, double coeff)
ConstraintBuilderPositiveUnsuppliedEnergy (unsigned int index, double coeff)
ConstraintBuilderNegativeUnsuppliedEnergy (unsigned int index, double coeff)
ConstraintBuilderLayerStorage (unsigned area, unsigned layer, double coeff)
ConstraintBuilderSetOperator (char op)
 set the operator of the constraint (sign)
ConstraintBuilderequalTo ()
 set the sign of the constraint to '=', building a constraint equal to rhs
ConstraintBuilderlessThan ()
 set the sign of the constraint to '<', building a constraint less than rhs
ConstraintBuildergreaterThan ()
 set the sign of the constraint to '>', building a constraint greather than rhs
void build ()
 add the constraint in the matrix
int NumberOfVariables () const

Detailed Description

this class build up the business object 'Constraint',
|coeff11 coeff12 .. coeff1n||var1| |sign_1|   |rhs1|       |constraint1||sign_1||rhs1|
|..      ..             ...||....| |......|   |....| <===> |...........||......||....|
|coeffn1 coeffn2 .. coeffnn||varn| |sign_n|   |rhsn|       |constraintn||sign_n||rhsn|

it propose a set of methods  to attach 'Variables' to the Constraint
ex: calling NTCDirect() implies adding Direct NTC Variable to the current Constraint
finally the build() method gather all variables and put them into the matrix

Member Function Documentation

◆ build()

void ConstraintBuilder::build ( )

add the constraint in the matrix


◆ equalTo()

ConstraintBuilder & ConstraintBuilder::equalTo ( )

set the sign of the constraint to '=', building a constraint equal to rhs

reference of *this

◆ greaterThan()

ConstraintBuilder & ConstraintBuilder::greaterThan ( )

set the sign of the constraint to '>', building a constraint greather than rhs

reference of *this

◆ lessThan()

ConstraintBuilder & ConstraintBuilder::lessThan ( )

set the sign of the constraint to '<', building a constraint less than rhs

reference of *this

◆ SetOperator()

ConstraintBuilder & ConstraintBuilder::SetOperator ( char op)

set the operator of the constraint (sign)

opthe operator of the constraint
reference of *this

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