Antares Simulator
Power System Simulator
No Matches
IItem Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for IItem:
Separator Text


class  IPart
class  Tag

Public Types

using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<IItem>
using Vector = std::vector<Ptr>
 Vector of items.
using VectorPtr = std::shared_ptr<Vector>
 Vector Ptr.
using GroupType = Yuni::CString<64, false>

Public Member Functions

Constructor & Destructor
 IItem ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~IItem ()
const Yuni::String & caption () const
 Get the caption.
template<class StringT >
void caption (const StringT &caption)
 Set the caption.
void caption (const wxString &caption)
 Set the caption.
const Yuni::String & subcaption () const
 Get the sub-caption.
template<class StringT >
void subcaption (const StringT &caption)
 Set the caption.
const GroupTypegroup () const
 Get the group of the item.
template<class StringT >
void group (const StringT &g)
 Set the group.
template<class StringT >
bool isSameGroup (const StringT &group) const
 Compare with another group.
virtual bool canBeSelected () const
 Get if the item can be selected.
bool selected () const
 Get if the item is selected.
void select ()
 Mark the item as selected.
void unselect ()
 Mark the item as not selected.
void image (const wxBitmap &bmp)
 Set the item's image (reference)
void image (const wxBitmap *bmp)
 Set the item's image (pointer, can be null)
const wxBitmap & image () const
 Get the item& image.
template<class StringT >
void addTag (const StringT &text)
 Add a new tag.
template<class StringT >
void addTag (const StringT &text, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
 Add a new tag.
template<class StringT >
void addRightTag (const StringT &text)
 Add a new tag on the right.
template<class StringT >
void addRightTag (const StringT &text, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
 Add a new tag on the right.
void clearTags ()
 Clear all tags.
bool countedAsResult () const
 Get if this item should be counted as a result.
void countedAsResult (bool v)
 Set if this item should be counted as a result.


int tag
 User-custom tag.
GroupType pGroup
 The group.
Yuni::String pCaption
Yuni::String pSubCaption
wxBitmap pBitmap
bool pSelected
bool pCountedAsResult
 Flag to determine if this items should be counted as a result.
Tag::Vector pLeftTags
 Tags on the left.
Tag::Vector pRightTags
 Tags on the right.
wxString pCacheCaption
 Cache wxString.
virtual void draw (wxDC &dc, uint itemHeight, wxRect &bounds, bool selected, const SearchToken::VectorPtr &tokens) const
 Draw the item.

Member Function Documentation

◆ canBeSelected()

virtual bool IItem::canBeSelected ( ) const

Get if the item can be selected.

Reimplemented in Separator, and Text.

◆ draw()

virtual void IItem::draw ( wxDC & dc,
uint itemHeight,
wxRect & bounds,
bool selected,
const SearchToken::VectorPtr & tokens ) const

Draw the item.

dcThe device context
[in,out]boundsThe bounds of the surface. The width and the height should be be modified

Reimplemented in Separator.

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