Antares Simulator
Power System Simulator
No Matches
JIT::just_in_time_manager Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 just_in_time_manager (JIT::Informations *jit, const AnyString filename)
void record_current_jit_state (unsigned width, unsigned height)
JIT::Informationsjit_recorded_state ()
bool matrix_content_in_memory_is_same_as_on_disk ()
bool jit_activated ()
bool do_we_force_matrix_load_from_disk ()
template<class T , class ReadWriteT >
void load_matrix (const Antares::Matrix< T, ReadWriteT > *mtx)
template<class T , class ReadWriteT >
void clear_matrix (const Antares::Matrix< T, ReadWriteT > *mtx)
template<class T , class ReadWriteT >
void unload_matrix_properly_from_memory (const Antares::Matrix< T, ReadWriteT > *mtx)

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