Antares Simulator
Power System Simulator
This is the complete list of members for Text, including all inherited members.
addRightTag(const StringT &text) | IItem | |
addRightTag(const StringT &text, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) | IItem | |
addTag(const StringT &text) | IItem | |
addTag(const StringT &text, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) | IItem | |
canBeSelected() const override | Text | inlinevirtual |
caption() const | IItem | |
caption(const StringT &caption) | IItem | |
caption(const wxString &caption) | IItem | |
clearTags() | IItem | |
countedAsResult() const | IItem | |
countedAsResult(bool v) | IItem | |
draw(wxDC &dc, uint itemHeight, wxRect &bounds, bool selected, const SearchToken::VectorPtr &tokens) const | IItem | virtual |
group() const | IItem | |
group(const StringT &g) | IItem | |
GroupType typedef | IItem | |
IItem() | IItem | |
image(const wxBitmap &bmp) | IItem | |
image(const wxBitmap *bmp) | IItem | |
image() const | IItem | |
isSameGroup(const StringT &group) const | IItem | |
pBitmap | IItem | protected |
pCacheCaption | IItem | protected |
pCaption | IItem | protected |
pCountedAsResult | IItem | protected |
pGroup | IItem | protected |
pLeftTags | IItem | protected |
pRightTags | IItem | protected |
pSelected | IItem | protected |
pSubCaption (defined in IItem) | IItem | protected |
Ptr typedef | Text | |
select() | IItem | |
selected() const | IItem | |
subcaption() const | IItem | |
subcaption(const StringT &caption) | IItem | |
tag | IItem | |
Text() | Text | |
Text(const StringT &text) | Text | inline |
unselect() | IItem | |
Vector typedef | Text | |
VectorPtr typedef | Text | |
~IItem() | IItem | virtual |
~Text() | Text | virtual |