Antares Simulator
Power System Simulator
No Matches
Antares::Optimization Namespace Reference


class  BasisStatus
class  BasisStatusImpl
class  ComponentFiller
class  ConstraintsFactory
class  ConstraintSlackAnalysis
class  DailyBC
class  Dimensions
class  FictitiousLoad
class  FullKey
class  FullKeyHash
class  HourlyBC
class  HydroLevel
class  HydroProduction
struct  IdentityFunction
class  InfeasibleProblemReport
struct  IntegerInterval
class  LegacyFiller
class  LegacyOrtoolsLinearProblem
struct  LinearConstraint
class  LinearExpression
class  PartialKey
class  PartialKeyHash
class  ReadLinearConstraintVisitor
class  ReadLinearExpressionVisitor
class  STS
struct  TimeAndScenario
class  TimeDependentLinearExpression
class  UnfeasibilityAnalysis
class  UnfeasiblePbAnalyzer
struct  VariableBounds
class  VariableDictionary
class  VariablesBoundsConsistency
class  VariablesBulkAddition
class  WatchedConstraint
class  WeeklyBC


using FullKeyMap = std::unordered_map<FullKey, double, FullKeyHash>


std::unique_ptr< UnfeasiblePbAnalyzermakeUnfeasiblePbAnalyzer ()
bool lessTypeName (const std::shared_ptr< WatchedConstraint > a, const std::shared_ptr< WatchedConstraint > b)
bool sameType (const std::shared_ptr< WatchedConstraint > a, const std::shared_ptr< WatchedConstraint > b)
bool greaterValue (const std::shared_ptr< WatchedConstraint > a, std::shared_ptr< WatchedConstraint > b)
bool checkTimeSteps (Optimisation::LinearProblemApi::FillContext &ctx)
template<typename Key , typename Value , typename UnaryOp = IdentityFunction<Value>, typename HashType = std::hash<Key>>
std::unordered_map< Key, Value, HashType > add_maps (const std::unordered_map< Key, Value, HashType > &left, const std::unordered_map< Key, Value, HashType > &right, UnaryOp op=IdentityFunction< Value >{})
FullKeyMap scale_map (const FullKeyMap &map, double scale)
template<typename BinaryOperator >
TimeDependentLinearExpression BinaryOpLinearExpression (const std::unordered_map< unsigned int, LinearExpression > &left, const std::unordered_map< unsigned int, LinearExpression > &right, BinaryOperator op)
std::string buildVariableName (const PartialKey &key, std::optional< unsigned int > scenario, std::optional< unsigned int > timestep)

Detailed Description

Read Linear Constraint Visitor Visits a Node and produces a Linear Constraint (defined by its Linear Expression and bounds). The root node is expected to be a comparison node.

Read Linear Expression Visitor Visits a Node and produces a Linear Expression (defined by an offset and non-zero coefficients of variables) Comparison Nodes are not allowed

Function Documentation

◆ add_maps()

template<typename Key , typename Value , typename UnaryOp = IdentityFunction<Value>, typename HashType = std::hash<Key>>
std::unordered_map< Key, Value, HashType > Antares::Optimization::add_maps ( const std::unordered_map< Key, Value, HashType > & left,
const std::unordered_map< Key, Value, HashType > & right,
UnaryOp op = IdentityFunction<Value>{} )

Element-wise sum of two [string, double] maps, preceded an element-wise multiplication of the right-hand-side map. Keys that do not exist in one of the two maps are considered to have a zero value. For every key: value = left_value + rhs_multiplier * right_value

leftThe left hand side map
rightThe right hand side map
The map resulting from the operation

◆ scale_map()

FullKeyMap Antares::Optimization::scale_map ( const FullKeyMap & map,
double scale )

Element-wise multiplication of a map by a scale. For every key: final_value = scale * initial_value

mapThe [string, double] map to scale
scaleThe scale
The scaled map