Antares Xpansion
Investment simulations for Antares studies
No Matches
antares_xpansion.general_data_reader.GeneralDataIniReader Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 __init__ (self, Path file_path=None)
int get_nb_years (self)
 get_active_years (self)
 get_raw_playlist (self)

Public Attributes

 config = ConfigParser(strict=False)
 file_lines = open(file_path, 'r').readlines()
str file_lines = 'playlist':

Protected Member Functions

 _get_active_years (self)
 _active_years_from_active_list (self)
 _active_years_from_inactive_list (self)
 _set_playlist_reset_option (self)
 _set_playlist_year_lists (self)
 _read_playlist (self, str current_section, str line)
 _read_playlist_val (self, str key, str val)

Protected Attributes

int _mc_years = int(self.config["general"]["nbyears"])
 _user_playlist = self.config.getboolean("general", "user-playlist")
bool _playlist_reset_option = True
list _active_year_list = []
list _inactive_year_list = []

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: