double | lb |
double | best_ub |
double | ub |
int | it |
int | best_it |
double | subproblem_cost |
double | invest_cost |
LogPoint | x_in |
LogPoint | x_out |
LogPoint | x_cut |
LogPoint | min_invest |
LogPoint | max_invest |
double | optimality_gap |
double | relative_gap |
int | max_iterations |
double | benders_elapsed_time |
double | master_time |
double | subproblem_time |
int | cumulative_number_of_subproblem_resolved |
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
- src/cpp/xpansion_interfaces/include/antares-xpansion/xpansion_interfaces/ILogger.h