Antares Xpansion
Investment simulations for Antares studies
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 CAdditionalConstraintAdditional constraint to add to master problem
 CAdditionalConstraintsCandidate exclusion constraint structure
 CAdditionalConstraintsReaderCandidate exclusion constraints reading structure
 CBendersMpiClass use run the benders algorithm in parallel
 CBendersSequentialClass use run the benders algorithm in sequential
 CCandidateCandidate class
 CclassVirtual class to implement solvers methods
 CILoggerAbstract class for operational logs
 CILoggerXpansionXpansion Unique log Interface
 CJsonXpansionReaderClass that reads a json file describing an antares-xpansion solution
 CLinkdataRecordStruct describing a line in a linkdata file of antares
 CLinkProfileLinkProfile structure
 CProblemDecorator to the SolverAbstract class
 CSolverConfigClass to store the configuration of a solver Invariant: name is lowercase
 CStudyUpdaterClass that updates an antares study after an antares-xpansion execution
 CSubproblemWorkerClass daughter of Worker Class, build and manage a subproblem
 CWorkerMother-class Worker
 CWorkerMasterDataClass use to store trace information during the algorithm run