25#include <action/action.h>
26#include <antares/study/fwd.h>
55 DataTSGenerator(Data::TimeSeriesType ts,
const AnyString& areaname,
const AnyString& clustername);
61 virtual void datagridCaption(YString& title);
63 virtual void behaviorToText(Behavior
behavior, YString& out);
71 Data::TimeSeriesType pType;
72 Data::AreaName pOriginalAreaName;
73 Data::ClusterName pOriginalPlantName;
Definition antares-study.h:28
Definition ts-generator.h:37
virtual ~DataTSGenerator()
Definition ts-generator.cpp:71
virtual bool prepareWL(Context &ctx)
Prepare the execution.
Definition ts-generator.cpp:106
virtual bool performWL(Context &ctx)
Perform the action.
Definition ts-generator.cpp:122
IAction::Ptr Ptr
The most suitable smart ptr for the class.
Definition ts-generator.h:40
DataTSGenerator(Data::TimeSeriesType ts, const AnyString &areaname)
Default constructor.
Definition ts-generator.cpp:35
virtual void registerViewsWL(Context &ctx)
Register all views.
Definition ts-generator.cpp:82
IAction::ThreadingPolicy ThreadingPolicy
The threading policy.
Definition ts-generator.h:42
AncestorType::Ptr Ptr
The most suitable smart ptr for the class.
Definition action.h:43
Behavior behavior() const
Get the behavior.
Definition action.hxx:38
AncestorType::ThreadingPolicy ThreadingPolicy
The threading policy.
Definition action.h:45