►NAntares | |
►NAction | |
►NAntaresStudy | |
►NArea | |
CAllocationHydro | |
CAllocationHydroPost | |
CColor | |
CCorrelation | |
CCorrelationPost | |
CCreate | |
CDataTimeseries | |
CDataTSGenerator | |
CFiltering | |
CMiscGen | |
CNodalOptimization | |
CNodeTimeseries | |
CPosition | |
CReserves | |
►NConstraint | |
CComments | |
CCreate | |
CData | |
CEnabled | |
COffsets | |
CWeights | |
►NLink | |
CComments | |
CCopperPlate | |
CCreate | |
CFiltering | |
CHurdlesCost | |
CImpedances | |
CNTC | |
CUnloadData | |
►NThermalCluster | |
CCommonData | |
CCreate | |
CRootNode | |
►NSettings | |
CDecalAreaPosition | A dummy action, for displaying some text |
CSuffixAreaName | A dummy action, for displaying some text |
CSuffixConstraintName | A dummy action, for displaying some text |
CSuffixPlantName | A dummy action, for displaying some text |
CActionInformations | |
CContext | |
CIAction | |
CText | A dummy action, for displaying some text |
►NAPI | |
CAPIInternal | Used to run simulations |
CError | The Error structure is used to represent an error that occurred during the simulation |
CSimulationObserver | Used to observe the simulation |
CSimulationResults | The SimulationResults structure is used to represent the results of a simulation |
►NComponent | |
►NDatagrid | |
►NRenderer | |
►NAnalyzer | |
►CAreas | |
►CRecord | |
CVector | |
►NBindingConstraint | |
CClusterOffsets | |
CClusterWeights | |
CData | |
CLinkOffsets | |
CLinkWeights | |
►NConstraintsBuilder | |
►CLinks | |
►CRecord | |
CVector | |
►NLinks | |
CSummary | |
CAdequacyPatchAreaGrid | |
CareasTrimmingGrid | |
CARendererArea | |
CATimeSeries | |
CblankCell | |
CCell | |
CCheckMinUpDownTime | |
CCheckUnitCount | |
CclassicColumn | |
CColumn | |
CColumnNTC | |
CColumnRenewableClusters | |
CCommonClusterSummarySingleArea | |
CConnection | |
CconnectionNTC | |
CconnectionNTCdirect | |
CconnectionNTCindirect | |
CconnectionParameters | |
►CCorrelationMatrix | |
CIDatasource | |
CCreditModulations | |
CDSM | |
CgeneratedTSstatus | |
CgeographicTrimmingGrid | |
CHydroAllocation | |
ChydroFinalLevelsScBuilderRenderer | |
ChydroLevelsScBuilderRenderer | |
CHydroMonthlyHours | |
CHydroPrepro | |
ChydroScBuilderRenderer | |
CinactiveCell | |
CInflowPattern | |
CinterModalCell | |
CintraModalCell | |
CIRenderer | Data provider for Datagrids |
CLayersUI | |
CLayersVisibility | |
ClinksTrimmingGrid | |
CloadScBuilderRenderer | |
CLogEntry | |
CLogEntryContainer | |
CLogFile | |
CMatrix | |
CMCPlaylist | |
CMisc | |
CNoCheck | |
CNodalOptimization | |
CntcScBuilderRenderer | |
CNumberTsCell | |
CNumberTsCellThermal | |
CreadyMadeTSstatus | |
CRefeshInspector | |
CRefeshInspectorAndMarkAsModified | |
CRefreshSpanCell | |
CRefreshSpanCellThermal | |
CRefreshTsCell | |
CRefreshTsCellThermal | |
CRenewableClusterSummarySingleArea | |
CrenewableScBuilderRenderer | |
CReservoirLevels | |
CScBuilderRendererAreasAsRows | |
CScBuilderRendererBase | |
CScBuilderRendererForAreaSelector | |
CSeasonalCorrelationCell | |
CSeasonalCorrelationCellThermal | |
CSelectVariables | |
CsolarScBuilderRenderer | |
CstoreToInputCell | |
CstoreToOutputCell | |
CThermalClusterCommonModulation | |
CThermalClusterPrepro | |
CThermalClusterSummarySingleArea | |
CthermalColumn | |
CthermalScBuilderRenderer | |
CTimeSeriesCluster | |
CTimeSeriesHydroFatal | |
CTimeSeriesHydroMaxHourlyGenPower | |
CTimeSeriesHydroMaxHourlyPumpPower | |
CTimeSeriesHydroMinGen | |
CTimeSeriesHydroMod | |
CTimeSeriesLoad | |
CTimeSeriesRenewableCluster | |
CTimeSeriesSolar | |
CTimeSeriesThermalCluster | |
CTimeSeriesThermalClusterCO2Cost | |
CTimeSeriesThermalClusterFuelCost | |
CTimeSeriesWind | |
CTSmanagement | |
CTSmanagementAggregatedAsRenewable | |
CTSmanagementRenewableCluster | |
CWaterValues | |
CwindScBuilderRenderer | |
CXCastAllAreas | |
CXCastCoefficients | |
CXCastConversion | |
CXCastK | |
CXCastTranslation | |
►NSelection | |
CAverage | |
CCellCount | |
CIOperator | |
CMaximum | |
CMinimum | |
CSum | |
CAntaresWxGridRenderer | |
CComponent | A datagrid with virtual values |
CComponentRefresh | |
CDBGrid | |
CGridCellAttrProvider | |
CInternalState | |
CSelectionRect | |
CVGridHelper | Wrapper between a wxGridTableBase and a renderer |
►NFrame | |
CIFrame | Interface for all registered frames, external or not |
CWxLocalFrame | |
►NHTMLListbox | |
►NDatasource | |
CClustersByOrder | |
CIDatasource | Datasource for HTMLListbox::Component |
CRenewableClustersByAlphaOrder | |
CRenewableClustersByAlphaReverseOrder | |
CRenewableClustersByOrder | |
CSortAlphaOrder | |
CSortAlphaReverseOrder | |
CThermalClustersByAlphaOrder | |
CThermalClustersByAlphaReverseOrder | |
CThermalClustersByOrder | |
►NItem | |
CArea | Single item for an Input (abstract) |
CClusterItem | Single item for an abstract cluster |
CError | |
CGroup | |
CIItem | Single item for an Input (abstract) |
CInfo | |
CPathListItem | Single item for an Input |
CRenewableClusterItem | Single item for a renewable cluster |
CThermalClusterItem | Single item for a thermal cluster |
CComponent | Listbox with HTML content |
CCustomClientData | Additional data for a single item in a listbox |
CButton | |
CCaptionPanel | A simple panel with a caption |
CFrameShowData | |
CListboxPanel | |
CMainPanel | |
►CMapNotebook | MapNotebook |
CMapTabs | |
CTabTextCtrl | |
►CNotebook | Notebook |
CPage | |
CTabs | |
CPanel | Panel implementation |
CPanelGroup | Panel implementation |
CProgressBar | A simple panel with a caption |
CScrollbox | |
►CSpotlight | |
►CIItem | |
CIPart | |
CTag | |
CIProvider | Data Provider |
CNullProvider | A null provider |
CSearchToken | A search token |
CSeparator | |
CText | |
CWIPPanel | |
►NConcurrency | |
►NDetail | |
CCopyableCallable | |
CFutureSet | Utility class to gather futures to wait for |
►NData | |
►NAdequacyPatch | |
CAdqPatchParams | |
CCurtailmentSharing | |
►NLoad | |
CContainer | |
CPrepro | Prepro Load |
►NScenarioBuilder | |
CBindingConstraintsTSNumberData | |
CdataInterface | Interface for scenario builder data (time series, hydro levels, ...) |
ChydroLevelsData | Rules for hydro levels, for all years and areas |
ChydroTSNumberData | |
CloadTSNumberData | |
CntcTSNumberData | |
CrenewableTSNumberData | |
CRules | Rules for TS numbers, for all years and a single timeseries |
CSets | Sets for TS numbers, for all years and a single timeseries |
CsolarTSNumberData | |
CthermalTSNumberData | |
CTSNumberData | Rules for TS numbers, for all years and a single timeseries |
CwindTSNumberData | |
►NShortTermStorage | |
►CAdditionalConstraints | |
CValidateResult | |
CProperties | |
CSeries | |
CSingleAdditionalConstraint | |
CSTStorageCluster | |
CSTStorageInput | |
►NSolar | |
CContainer | |
CPrepro | Prepro Solar |
►NWind | |
CContainer | |
CPrepro | Prepro Wind |
CAllVariablesPrintInfo | |
CArea | Definition for a single area |
CAreaDependantHydroManagementData | Area Hydro Management Data for a given year |
CAreaLink | Definition of a link between two areas (Interconnection) |
CAreaList | A list of areas |
CAreaScratchpad | Scratchpad for temporary data performed by the solver |
CAreaUI | Information about the Area for the UI |
CAssertionError | |
CBindingConstraint | |
CBindingConstraintGroup | |
CBindingConstraintGroupRepository | |
CBindingConstraintLoader | |
►CBindingConstraintSaver | |
CEnvForSaving | |
CBindingConstraintsRepository | |
CBindingConstraintStructures | |
CCluster | |
CClusterList | Generic list of clustersThis class implements the base functions for a list of cluster It's used for thermal and renewable clusters |
CCompareAreaName | |
CCompareBindingConstraintName | |
CCompareClusterName | |
CCompareLinkName | |
CConstantCostProvider | |
CCorrelation | |
CCostProvider | |
CDailyDemand | |
CDataSeriesHydro | Data series (Hydro) |
CEconomicInputData | Thermal |
CEnvForLoading | |
CHydroAllocation | |
CHydroMaxTimeSeriesReader | |
CLayerData | Antares Study |
CMonthlyGenerationTargetData | |
COutput | |
►CParameters | General data for a study |
CCompatibility | |
►CIncludeOptions | |
CReserve | |
CThermal | |
CRenewableGeneration | |
CUCMode | |
CPartHydro | Hydro for a single area |
CPartRenewable | |
CPartThermal | |
CPollutant | |
CPreproAvailability | Thermal |
CPreproHydro | Data for the hydro preprocessor |
CRenewableCluster | |
CRenewableClusterList | List of renewable clusters |
CScenarizedCostProvider | |
CSetHandlerAreas | |
►CSets | |
COptions | |
CSimulationComments | Set of settings for a simulation |
CStudy | |
CStudyCleaningInfos | |
CStudyFinder | Look for study folders asynchronously |
CStudyHeader | Header of a study |
CStudyLoadOptions | |
CStudyRangeLimits | |
CStudyRuntimeInfos | Runtime informations |
CStudyVersion | Version of a study |
►CThermalCluster | A single thermal cluster |
CDivModulation | |
CThermalClusterList | List of clusters |
CTimeDependantHydroManagementData | Hydro Management Data for a given area |
CTimeSeries | This class is used to represent the generic time series |
CTimeSeriesBitPatternIntoIndex | |
CTimeSeriesBitPatternIntoIndex< 1 > | |
CTimeSeriesBitPatternIntoIndex< 16 > | |
CTimeSeriesBitPatternIntoIndex< 2 > | |
CTimeSeriesBitPatternIntoIndex< 32 > | |
CTimeSeriesBitPatternIntoIndex< 4 > | |
CTimeSeriesBitPatternIntoIndex< 8 > | |
CTimeSeriesNumbers | |
CTimeSeriesToCStr | |
CTimeSeriesToCStr< 1 > | |
CTimeSeriesToCStr< 16 > | |
CTimeSeriesToCStr< 2 > | |
CTimeSeriesToCStr< 32 > | |
CTimeSeriesToCStr< 4 > | |
CTimeSeriesToCStr< 8 > | |
CUIRuntimeInfo | |
CUnfeasibleProblemError | |
CVariablePrintInfo | |
CvariablePrintInfoCollector | |
CWhoseNameContains | |
CXCast | |
►NDate | |
►CCalendar | |
CSettings | The calendar settings |
CDayInterval | |
CHourInterval | |
►NError | |
CCommandLineArguments | |
CIncompatibleCO2CostColumns | |
CIncompatibleDailyOptHeuristicForArea | |
CIncompatibleFuelCostColumns | |
CIncompatibleHurdleCostCSR | |
CIncompatibleMILPOrtoolsSolver | |
CIncompatibleMILPWithoutOrtools | |
CIncompatibleOptRangeHydroPricing | |
CIncompatibleOptRangeUCMode | |
CIncompatibleOutputOptions | |
CIncompatibleParallelOptions | |
CIncompatibleSimulationModeForAdqPatch | |
CInvalidFileName | |
CInvalidOptimizationRange | |
CInvalidParametersForThermalClusters | |
CInvalidSimulationMode | |
CInvalidSolver | |
CInvalidSolverSpecificParameters | |
CInvalidStudy | |
CInvalidVersion | |
CLoadingError | |
CNoAreaInsideAdqPatchMode | |
CNoAreas | |
CNoStudyProvided | |
CReadingStudy | |
CRuntimeInfoInitialization | |
CStudyFolderDoesNotExist | |
CWritingPID | |
►NExpressions | |
►NNodes | |
CAST | |
CASTPreOrderIterator | |
CBinaryNode | |
CComparisonNode | Represents a comparison node in a syntax tree |
CComponentNode | Represents a component node in a syntax tree |
CComponentParameterNode | Represents a component parameter node in a syntax tree |
CComponentVariableNode | Represents a component variable node in a syntax tree |
CDivisionNode | Represents a division node in a syntax tree |
CEqualNode | Represents an equality comparison node in a syntax tree |
CGreaterThanOrEqualNode | Represents a greater than or equal comparison node in a syntax tree |
CLeaf | Represents a leaf node in a syntax tree |
CLessThanOrEqualNode | Represents a less than or equal comparison node in a syntax tree |
CLiteralNode | Represents a literal node in a syntax tree, storing a double value |
CMultiplicationNode | Represents a multiplication node in a syntax tree |
CNegationNode | Represents a negation node in a syntax tree |
CNode | Base class for nodes in a syntax tree |
CParameterNode | Represents a parameter node in a syntax tree, storing a string value |
CPortFieldNode | Represents a port field node in a syntax tree |
CPortFieldSumNode | Represents a port field node where the expression is a sum |
CSubtractionNode | Represents a subtraction node in a syntax tree |
CSumNode | |
CUnaryNode | Represents a unary node in a syntax tree |
CVariableNode | Represents a variable node in a syntax tree, storing a string value |
►NVisitors | |
CAstDOTStyleVisitor | A visitor class for generating DOT style output for ASTs (Abstract Syntax Trees) |
CBoxStyle | Represents the style attributes for a box in a graph |
CCloneVisitor | Represents a visitor for cloning nodes in a syntax tree |
CCompareVisitor | Represents a visitor for comparing nodes in a syntax tree |
►CEvaluationContext | Represents the context for evaluating expressions |
CCouldNotEvaluateConstantParameter | |
►CEvaluationResult | |
CEvalResultType | |
CSafeDivides | |
CEvalVisitor | Represents a visitor for evaluating expressions within a given context |
CEvalVisitorDivisionException | |
CEvalVisitorNotImplemented | |
CInvalidNode | |
CLinearityVisitor | Represents a visitor for determining the linearity of nodes (expression) |
CLogSink | |
CNodeVisitor | |
CNodeVisitsProvider | |
CParameterTypeAndValue | |
CPortFieldSubstitutionContext | Represents the context for performing substitutions in a syntax tree |
CPortFieldSubstitutionVisitor | Represents a visitor for substituting portfield nodes in a syntax tree |
CPortFieldSumSubstitutionContext | Represents the context for performing substitutions in a syntax tree |
CPortFieldSumSubstitutionVisitor | Represents a visitor for substituting portfield sum nodes in a syntax tree |
CPrintVisitor | Represents a visitor for printing nodes in a syntax tree as strings |
CSubstitutionContext | Represents the context for performing substitutions in a syntax tree |
CSubstitutionVisitor | Represents a visitor for substituting component variables in a syntax tree |
CTimeIndexVisitor | Represents a visitor for determining the time and scenario dependency of nodes in a syntax tree |
CVectorsMismatchSize | |
CHashable | |
CIName | |
CNodeRegistry | |
CPortFieldHash | |
CRegistry | |
►NExtSource | |
►NHandler | |
CBuildContext | |
►NForms | |
CApplWnd | Main Frame of the Antares UI application |
CCompareBySimulationMode | |
CCompareByTimestamp | |
CCustomStatusBar | |
CDisabler | |
CDisabler< ApplWnd > | |
CJobLoadScenarioBuilder | |
CMainFormData | |
CStudyDrop | |
►NGraph | |
►CEdge | |
CaddpWeight | |
CcompareWeight | |
CGrid | Antares Grid (graph) |
CNode | |
►NIO | |
►NInputs | |
►NDataSeriesCsvImporter | |
CDataSeriesRepoImporter | |
►NModelConverter | |
CConstraintWithThisIdAlreadyExists | |
CConvertorVisitor | Visitor to convert ANTLR expressions to Antares::Expressions::Nodes |
CFieldNotFoundForDefinition | |
CNoParameterOrVariableWithThisName | |
CNoPortWithThisId | |
CNotImplemented | |
CPortInDefinition | |
CPortNotFoundForDefinition | |
CPortTypeDoesntContainsFields | |
CPortTypeNotFound | |
CPortTypeWithThisIdAlreadyExists | |
CPortWithThisIdAlreadyExists | |
CUnknownTypeException | |
►NSystemConverter | |
CErrorWhileSplittingLibraryAndModel | |
CLibraryNotFound | |
CModelNotFound | |
►NYmlModel | |
CConstraint | |
CLibrary | |
CModel | |
CParameter | |
CParser | |
CPort | |
CPortFieldDefinition | |
CPortType | |
CVariable | |
►NYmlSystem | |
CComponent | |
CParameter | |
CParser | |
CSystem | |
►NMap | |
►NPrivate | |
CAddingToolsHelper | |
►NTool | |
CConnectionCreator | |
CRemover | |
CTool | Visual component to make an action on the selected items |
CBindingConstraint | |
CComponent | Standard study MAP |
CConnection | |
CControl | Sub-Component for drawing the map and handle user-events |
CDrawingContext | Drawing Context |
►CItem | |
CSetCompare | |
CManager | A convenient container for nodes on the graph |
CMapRenderOptions | |
CNode | A node in a map |
CPanelInfos | Informations about the selected items on the map |
CRemovalToolPredicate | |
CSettings | |
►NOptimisation | |
►NLinearProblemApi | Namespace for the classes related to the linear problem API |
CFillContext | |
CIHasBounds | Used to handle bounds for IMipVariable and IMipConstraint |
CIHasName | Inherited by IMipVariable and IMipConstraint |
CILinearProblem | |
CILinearProblemData | |
CIMipConstraint | |
CIMipSolution | |
CIMipVariable | |
CLinearProblemBuilder | |
CLinearProblemFiller | |
COneConstraintFiller | |
COneVarFiller | |
CTwoVarsTwoConstraintsFiller | |
CVarFillerContext | |
►NLinearProblemDataImpl | |
►CDataSeriesRepository | |
CDataSeriesAlreadyExists | |
CDataSeriesNotExist | |
CEmpty | |
CIDataSeries | |
CLinearProblemData | |
►CScenarioGroupRepository | |
CAlreadyExists | |
CDoesNotExist | |
CScenarioNotExist | |
►CTimeSeriesSet | |
CAddTSofWrongSize | |
CEmpty | |
CHourTooBig | |
CRankTooBig | |
►NLinearProblemMpsolverImpl | |
CElemAlreadyExists | |
COrtoolsLinearProblem | |
COrtoolsMipConstraint | |
COrtoolsMipSolution | |
COrtoolsMipVariable | |
►NOptimization | |
CBasisStatus | |
CBasisStatusImpl | |
CComponentFiller | |
CConstraintsFactory | |
CConstraintSlackAnalysis | |
CDailyBC | |
CDimensions | |
CFictitiousLoad | |
CFullKey | |
CFullKeyHash | |
CHourlyBC | |
CHydroLevel | |
CHydroProduction | |
CIdentityFunction | |
CInfeasibleProblemReport | |
►CIntegerInterval | |
CIterator | |
CLegacyFiller | |
CLegacyOrtoolsLinearProblem | |
CLinearConstraint | |
CLinearExpression | |
CPartialKey | |
CPartialKeyHash | |
CReadLinearConstraintVisitor | |
CReadLinearExpressionVisitor | |
CSTS | |
CTimeAndScenario | |
CTimeDependentLinearExpression | |
CUnfeasibilityAnalysis | |
CUnfeasiblePbAnalyzer | |
CVariableBounds | |
CVariableDictionary | |
CVariablesBoundsConsistency | |
►CVariablesBulkAddition | |
CBoundsSizeMismatch | |
CWatchedConstraint | |
CWeeklyBC | |
►NPrivate | |
►NComponent | |
CCustomWxButton | |
►NDispatcher | |
CJobLayout | |
CJobRefresh | |
CJobShow | |
CJobShowForm | |
CJobShowModalThenDestroy | |
CJobSimpleDispatcher | |
►NOutputViewerData | |
CAreaLinkRenderer | |
►CContent | |
CSimulationType | |
CJob | |
►CPanel | |
CIData | |
CSpotlightMiniFrame | |
►NSpotlight | |
CSpotlightMiniFrame | |
►NWindow | |
CActionPanel | |
CMemoryStatisticsData | |
►NSolver | |
►NInitialization | |
►NError | |
CNoQueueService | |
►NLoadFiles | |
CErrorLoadingYaml | Generic error class for all loading errors to catch in the main |
►NOptimization | |
CCsrQuadraticProblem | |
COptimizationOptions | |
CWeeklyOptimization | |
►NPrivate | |
►NSimulation | |
CCacheData | |
►NSimulation | |
CAdequacy | |
CAdqPatchPostProcessList | |
CannualCostsStatistics | |
CbasePostProcessCommand | |
CBindingConstraintsTimeSeriesNumbersWriter | |
CcompareHydroCostsNoises | |
CcostStatistics | |
CCurtailmentSharingPostProcessCmd | |
CDispatchableMarginPostProcessCmd | |
CDTGnettingAfterCSRcmd | |
CEconomy | |
ChydroCostNoise | |
CHydroLevelsFinalUpdatePostProcessCmd | |
CinterfacePostProcessList | |
CInterpolateWaterValuePostProcessCmd | |
CISimulation | |
CISimulationObserver | Interface for observing the simulation |
CITimeSeriesNumbersWriter | |
CNullSimulationObserver | Null object for the ISimulationObserver interface |
COptPostProcessList | |
CoptRuntimeData | |
CrandomNumbers | |
CRemixHydroOutput | |
CRemixHydroPostProcessCmd | |
CsetOfParallelYears | |
CUpdateMrgPriceAfterCSRcmd | |
CyearJob | |
CyearRandomNumbers | |
►NVariable | |
►NAdequacy | |
►COverallCost | C02 Average value of the overrall OverallCost emissions expected from all the thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CSpilledEnergy | C02 Average value of the overrall SpilledEnergy emissions expected from all the thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
CVCardOverallCost | |
CVCardSpilledEnergy | |
►NCategory | |
CNextLevel | |
►NCommon | |
CMultipleCaptionProxy | |
CMultipleCaptionProxy< 0, VCardT > | |
CMultipleCaptionProxy< 1, VCardT > | |
CMultipleCaptionProxy< Category::dynamicColumns, VCardT > | |
►CSpatialAggregate | |
CStatistics | |
►CVCardProxy | |
CMultiple | |
►NContainer | |
►CEndOfList | |
CStatistics | |
CList | Static list for all output variables |
►NEconomy | |
►CAvailableDispatchGen | Marginal AvailableDispatchGen |
CStatistics | |
►CBalance | Marginal Balance |
CStatistics | |
►CBindingConstMarginCost | |
CStatistics | |
►CCongestionFee | Marginal CongestionFee |
CStatistics | |
►CCongestionFeeAbs | Marginal CongestionFeeAbs |
CStatistics | |
►CCongestionProbability | Marginal CongestionProbability |
CStatistics | |
►CDispatchableGeneration | Marginal DispatchableGeneration |
CStatistics | |
►CDispatchableGenMargin | Marginal DispatchableGenMargin |
CStatistics | |
►CDomesticUnsuppliedEnergy | C02 Average value of the overrall DomesticUnsuppliedEnergy emissions expected from all the thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CDtgMarginCsr | C02 Average value of the overrall DtgMarginCsr emissions expected from all the thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CFlowLinear | Marginal FlowLinear |
CStatistics | |
►CFlowLinearAbs | Marginal FlowLinearAbs |
CStatistics | |
►CFlowQuad | Marginal FlowQuad |
CStatistics | |
►CHurdleCosts | Marginal HurdleCosts |
CStatistics | |
►CHydroCost | Hydro costs |
CStatistics | |
►CHydroStorage | C02 Average value of the overrall HydroStorage emissions expected from all the thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CInflows | Inflows |
CStatistics | |
►CLMRViolations | C02 Average value of the overrall CO2 emissions expected from all the thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CLOLD | |
CStatistics | |
CStatistics | |
►CLOLP | |
CStatistics | |
CStatistics | |
►CLoopFlow | LoopFlow |
CStatistics | |
►CMarge | Max MRG |
CStatistics | |
►CMarginalCost | Marginal MarginalCost |
CStatistics | |
►CMaxMrgCsr | Max MRG |
CStatistics | |
CMaxMrgCSRdataFactory | |
CMaxMrgDataFactory | |
CMaxMRGinput | |
CMaxMrgUsualDataFactory | |
►CMinDispatchableGenByPlant | Energy generated by all thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CMiscGenMinusRowPSP | Marginal MiscGenMinusRowPSP |
CStatistics | |
►CNbOfDispatchedUnits | C02 Average value of the overrall OperatingCost emissions expected from all the thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CNbOfDispatchedUnitsByPlant | C02 Average value of the overrall OperatingCost emissions expected from all the thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CNonProportionalCost | C02 Average value of the overrall OperatingCost emissions expected from all the thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CNonProportionalCostByDispatchablePlant | C02 Average value of the overrall OperatingCost emissions expected from all the thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►COperatingCost | C02 Average value of the overrall OperatingCost emissions expected from all the thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►COverallCost | C02 Average value of the overrall OverallCost emissions expected from all the thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►COverallCostCsr | C02 Average value of the overall OverallCostCsr emissions expected from all the thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►COverflows | Reservoir level |
CStatistics | |
►CPrice | Marginal Price |
CStatistics | |
►CPriceCSR | Marginal Price |
CStatistics | |
►CProductionByDispatchablePlant | Energy generated by all thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CProductionByRenewablePlant | Energy generated by all renewable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CProfitByPlant | C02 Average value of the overrall OperatingCost emissions expected from all the thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CPSP | Marginal PSP |
CStatistics | |
►CPumping | Reservoir level |
CStatistics | |
►CRenewableGeneration | Marginal RenewableGeneration |
CStatistics | |
►CReservoirLevel | Reservoir level |
CStatistics | |
►CRowBalance | Marginal RowBalance |
CStatistics | |
►CSpilledEnergy | C02 Average value of the overrall SpilledEnergy emissions expected from all the thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CSTSbyGroup | Variables related to short term storage groups |
CStatistics | |
►CSTstorageCashFlowByCluster | Energy generated by short term storage clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CSTstorageInjectionByCluster | Energy generated by short term storage clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CSTstorageLevelsByCluster | Energy generated by short term storage clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CSTstorageWithdrawalByCluster | Energy generated by short term storage clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CThermalAirPollutantEmissions | Marginal ThermalAirPollutantEmissions |
CStatistics | |
►CTimeSeriesValuesHydro | Marginal TimeSeriesValuesHydro |
CStatistics | |
►CTimeSeriesValuesLoad | Marginal TimeSeriesValuesLoad |
CStatistics | |
►CTimeSeriesValuesSolar | Marginal TimeSeriesValuesSolar |
CStatistics | |
►CTimeSeriesValuesWind | Marginal TimeSeriesValuesWind |
CStatistics | |
►CUnsupliedEnergy | C02 Average value of the overrall UnsupliedEnergy emissions expected from all the thermal dispatchable clusters |
CStatistics | |
►CUnsupliedEnergyCSR | |
CStatistics | |
CVCardAvailableDispatchGen | |
CVCardBalance | |
CVCardBindingConstMarginCost | |
CVCardCongestionFee | |
CVCardCongestionFeeAbs | |
►CVCardCongestionProbability | |
CMultiple | |
►CVCardDispatchableGeneration | |
CMultiple | |
CVCardDispatchableGenMargin | |
CVCardDomesticUnsuppliedEnergy | |
CVCardDtgMarginCsr | |
CVCardFlowLinear | |
CVCardFlowLinearAbs | |
CVCardFlowQuad | |
CVCardHurdleCosts | |
CVCardHydroCost | |
CVCardHydroStorage | |
CVCardInflows | |
CVCardLMRViolations | |
CVCardLOLD | |
CVCardLOLP | |
CVCardLoopFlow | |
CVCardMarginalCost | |
CVCardMinDispatchableGenByPlant | |
CVCardMiscGenMinusRowPSP | |
CVCardNbOfDispatchedUnits | |
CVCardNbOfDispatchedUnitsByPlant | |
CVCardNonProportionalCost | |
CVCardNonProportionalCostByDispatchablePlant | |
CVCardOperatingCost | |
CVCardOverallCost | |
CVCardOverallCostCsr | |
CVCardOverflow | |
CVCardPrice | |
CVCardPriceCSR | |
CVCardProductionByDispatchablePlant | |
CVCardProductionByRenewablePlant | |
CVCardProfitByPlant | |
CVCardPSP | |
CVCardPumping | |
►CVCardRenewableGeneration | |
CMultiple | |
CVCardReservoirLevel | |
CVCardRowBalance | |
CVCardSpilledEnergy | |
CVCardSTSbyGroup | |
CVCardSTstorageCashFlowByCluster | |
CVCardSTstorageInjectionByCluster | |
CVCardSTstorageLevelsByCluster | |
CVCardSTstorageWithdrawalByCluster | |
►CVCardThermalAirPollutantEmissions | |
CMultiple | |
CVCardTimeSeriesValuesHydro | |
CVCardTimeSeriesValuesLoad | |
CVCardTimeSeriesValuesSolar | |
CVCardTimeSeriesValuesWind | |
CVCardUnsupliedEnergy | |
CVCardUnsupliedEnergyCSR | |
CVCardWaterValue | |
►CWaterValue | Water values |
CStatistics | |
►NPrivate | |
CSurveyResultsData | |
►NR | |
►NAllYears | |
►CAverage | |
CData | |
CAverageData | |
CMax | |
CMin | |
CMinMaxBase | |
►CMinMaxData | |
CData | |
COr | |
►CRaw | |
CData | |
CRawData | |
►CStdDeviation | |
CData | |
►CAreas | |
CStatistics | |
►CBindingConstraints | |
CStatistics | |
CEmpty | |
CIntermediateValues | Temporary buffer for allocating results for a single year |
►CIVariable | Interface for any variable |
CStatistics | |
►CJoin | Join |
CStatistics | |
►CLinks | |
CStatistics | |
CPrecisionToPrintfFormat | |
CPrecisionToPrintfFormat< 0 > | |
CPrecisionToPrintfFormat< 1 > | |
CPrecisionToPrintfFormat< 2 > | |
CPrecisionToPrintfFormat< 3 > | |
CPrecisionToPrintfFormat< 4 > | |
CPrecisionToPrintfFormat< 5 > | |
CPrintInfosStdCout | |
CResults | |
►CSetsOfAreas | |
CStatistics | |
CSpatialAggregateOperation | |
CSpatialAggregateOperation< true, Category::spatialAggregateAverage, VCardT > | |
CSpatialAggregateOperation< true, Category::spatialAggregateMax, VCardT > | |
CSpatialAggregateOperation< true, Category::spatialAggregateOr, VCardT > | |
CSpatialAggregateOperation< true, Category::spatialAggregateSum, VCardT > | |
CSpatialAggregateOperation< true, Category::spatialAggregateSumThen1IfPositive, VCardT > | |
CSpecifierRemover | |
CSpecifierRemover< const T * > | |
CSpecifierRemover< const T[N]> | |
CSpecifierRemover< T * > | |
CSpecifierRemover< T[N]> | |
CState | |
CStorage | |
CSurveyResults | Class utility for building CSV results files |
►CThermalState | |
CStateForAnArea | |
CVariableAccessor | |
CVariableAccessor< ResultsT, Category::dynamicColumns > | |
CVariableAccessor< ResultsT, Category::noColumn > | |
CVariableAccessor< ResultsT, Category::singleColumn > | |
CVCardAllAreas | |
CVCardAllBindingConstraints | |
CVCardAllLinks | |
CVCardAllSetsOfAreas | |
CVCardJoin | |
CApplication | |
CAreaLinksTransCapaNumberOfTSretriever | |
CAreaNumberOfTSretriever | |
CConstantDataFromAntares | Used to store constant data across all weeks of Antares problems |
CEnsureQueueStartedIfNeeded | |
CFinalLevelValidator | |
CHebdoProblemToLpsTranslator | Class for translating a weekly problem to a linear programming problem |
CHydroAreaNumberOfTSretriever | |
CImmediateFileResultWriter | |
CInMemoryWriter | |
CIntraModalConsistencyChecker | |
CIResultWriter | |
CLoadAreaNumberOfTSretriever | |
CLpsFromAntares | Used to manage the constant and weekly data for Antares problems |
CModelerParameters | |
CNullResultWriter | |
►CProgression | Progress meter about any operation performed on the attached study |
CTask | |
CRenewClustersAreaNumberOfTSretriever | |
CScenarioBuilderOwner | |
CSolarAreaNumberOfTSretriever | |
CThermalAreaNumberOfTSretriever | |
CWeeklyDataFromAntares | Used to store weekly data for an Antares Problem |
CWeeklyProblemId | The WeeklyProblemId struct is used to identify a weekly problem by year and week |
CWeeklyProblemTranslationException | Exception class for errors during the translation of a weekly problem |
CWindAreaNumberOfTSretriever | |
CZipWriteJob | |
CZipWriter | |
►NStatistics | |
CLogsDumper | |
CUpdater | |
►NStudy | |
►NSystemModel | |
CComponent | |
CComponentBuilder | |
CComponentData | |
CConstraint | A constraint linking variables and parameters of a model together |
CExpression | |
CLibrary | A library is a collection of models |
CLibraryBuilder | Builder for the Library class Follow builder pattern: builder.Library().withId("id").withDescription("description").withPortTypes(portList).withModels(modelList).build(); |
CModel | |
CModelBuilder | |
CParameter | |
CPort | |
CPortField | |
CPortFieldDefinition | |
CPortType | |
CSystem | |
CSystemBuilder | |
CSystemData | |
CVariable | A decision variable of the model |
►NToolbox | |
►NComponents | |
CWizardHeader | |
►NFilter | |
►NOperator | |
CAOperator | |
CDataType | |
CEqualsTo | |
CGreaterThan | |
CGreaterThanOrEqualsTo | |
CLessThan | |
CLessThanOrEqualsTo | |
CList | Operator list |
CModulo | |
CNotEqualsTo | |
►CParameter | Single parameter |
CValue | Values in differents types |
CAFilterBase | Abstract Filter |
CAny | |
CColumnIndex | |
CComponent | |
CDay | |
CDayYear | |
CHour | |
CHourYear | |
CInput | |
CMonth | |
CResultCaption | |
CResultNewInstance | |
CWeek | |
CWeekday | |
►NInputSelector | |
CAInput | |
CArea | Visual Component for displaying all available areas (and groups) |
CBindingConstraint | |
CConnections | |
CRenewableCluster | Visual Component for displaying renewable clusters of an arbitrary area |
CSpotlightProviderArea | |
CSpotlightProviderConstraint | |
CThermalCluster | Visual Component for displaying thermal clusters of an arbitrary area |
CTreeLeaf | |
►NJobs | |
CJob | |
CJobThread | |
CMessageFlusherTimer | |
CPart | |
CPartList | |
CReadWriteStatsFlusherTimer | |
CTimerElapsedTime | |
CTimerRemainingTime | |
►NProcess | |
CExecute | |
CJobExecute | Dedicated class to customize the job |
CJobProcess | Dedicated class to handle the executed process |
►NSpotlight | |
CItemArea | |
CItemConstraint | |
CClipboard | |
►NTSGenerator | |
►NPredicate | |
CLoad | |
CSolar | |
CWind | |
►NXCast | |
CStudyData | |
CXCast | XCast Generator for Load, Wind and solar timeseries |
CAvailabilityTSGeneratorData | |
CLinksTSgenerator | |
CLinkTSgenerationParams | |
CSettings | |
CStudyParamsForLinkTS | |
►NUnitTests | |
CBuffer | |
CfakeLogger | |
CPredicateIdentity | |
►NWindow | |
►NHydro | |
CAllocation | |
CDailypower | |
CLevelsAndValues | |
CLocaldatahydro | |
CManagement | |
CPrepro | |
CSeries | |
►NInspector | |
CAccumulator | |
CAccumulatorCheck | |
CAdd | |
CClusterUpdater | |
CClusterUpdaterRenewable | |
CClusterUpdaterThermal | |
CFrame | |
CInspectorData | Collection of items to view/edit from an inspector |
CInspectorGrid | Custom implementation of a property grid |
CPAdequacyPatchMode | |
►CPAreaColor | |
CColor | |
CPAreaFiltering | |
CPAreaResortStatus | |
CPAreaSpilledEnergyCost | |
CPAreaUnsuppliedEnergyCost | |
CPClusterArea | |
CPClusterCO2 | |
CPClusterCostGeneration | |
CPClusterDoGenerateTS | |
CPClusterEfficiency | |
CPClusterEnabled | |
CPClusterFixedCost | |
CPClusterGroup | |
CPClusterInstalled | |
CPClusterLawForced | |
CPClusterLawPlanned | |
CPClusterMarginalCost | |
CPClusterMarginalCostEnable | |
CPClusterMinDownTime | |
CPClusterMinStablePower | |
CPClusterMinStablePowerColor | |
CPClusterMinUpTime | |
CPClusterMustRun | |
CPClusterNomCapacity | |
CPClusterNomCapacityColor | |
CPClusterRandomSpread | |
CPClusterReference | |
CPClusterSpinning | |
CPClusterSpinningColor | |
CPClusterStartupCost | |
CPClusterUnitCount | |
CPClusterVariableOMcost | |
CPClusterVolatilityForced | |
CPClusterVolatilityPlanned | |
CPConstraintComments | |
CPConstraintEnabled | |
CPConstraintName | |
CPConstraintType | |
CPLinkArea | |
►CPLinkColor | |
CColor | |
CPLinkComments | |
CPLinkDisplayComments | |
CPLinkFiltering | |
CPLinkHurdlesCost | |
CPLinkLoopFlow | |
CPLinkPhaseShift | |
CPLinkStyle | |
CPLinkWidth | |
CPRnClusterTSMode | |
CPSimulationMode | |
CPStudy1stJanuary | |
CPStudyBuildingMode | |
CPStudyCalBegin | |
CPStudyCalEnd | |
CPStudyCalendarMonth | |
CPStudyCalendarWeek | |
CPStudyGeographicTrimming | |
CPStudyHorizon | |
CPStudyLeapYear | |
CPStudyMCScenarios | |
CPStudyPlaylist | |
CPStudySynthesis | |
CPStudyThematicTrimming | |
CPStudyYearByYear | |
CPStudyYears | |
CStudyCalendarBtnEditor | |
CUnique | |
►NOptions | |
CAdequacyPatchAreas | |
CAdequacyPatchOptions | Startup Wizard User Interface |
CAdvancedParameters | Startup Wizard User Interface |
CareasTrimming | |
CConfigureTempFolder | Startup Wizard User Interface |
CgeographicTrimming | |
ClinksTrimming | |
CMCPlaylist | Startup Wizard User Interface |
COptimization | Startup Wizard User Interface |
CSelectOutput | Startup Wizard User Interface |
►NOutputViewer | |
►NProvider | |
CComparison | |
COutputs | |
CVariableCollector | |
CVariables | |
CComponent | Component: Viewer for simulation results |
CLayer | |
CSpotlightProvider | |
CSpotlightProviderGlobalSelection | |
CSpotlightProviderMCAll | |
CWindow | Window for output viewer |
►NRenewable | |
CCommonProperties | |
CPanel | |
►NScenarioBuilder | |
CPanel | Panel to access to the simulation settings |
►NSimulation | |
CPanel | Panel to access to the simulation settings |
CResourcesInfoTimer | |
CRun | |
►NThermal | |
CCommonProperties | |
CPanel | |
CAboutBox | |
CAnalyzerWizard | |
CApplyActionsDialog | |
CassetTypeButton | |
CBindingConstraint | Settings for a single Binding constraint |
CBindingConstraintInfoEditor | Dialog box for editing a binding constraint |
CBindingConstraintOffsetsPanel | |
CBindingConstraintWeightsPanel | |
CCalendarSelect | Dialog Window for selecting a date range |
CCalendarViewStandard | |
CcaptionButton | |
CCompareDesc | |
CConstraintsBuilderWizard | |
CCorrelationPanel | |
CCorrelationPanelData | |
CDatasourceAlphaOrder | |
CDatasourceColorOrder | |
CDatasourceReverseAlphaOrder | |
CExportMap | Export Map Dialog |
CFileListProvider | |
CFileSearchProvider | |
ChurdleCostsUsageButton | |
CInterconnection | |
CItemWindow | |
CJobGUIUpdate | |
CJobLoadLogFile | |
ClinkButton | |
ClinkGrid | |
ClinkNTCgrid | |
ClinkParametersGrid | |
CloopFlowUsageButton | |
CMemoryStatistics | |
CmenuLinkButton | |
CMessage | Standard message Box for Antares |
CMessageFlusherTimer | |
CNotes | Save As Dialog |
CntcUsageButton | |
CPerformerDialog | |
CphaseShifterUsageButton | |
CRaiseWindowBox | |
CSaveAs | Save As Dialog |
CSets | Save As Dialog |
CSortColor | |
CSpotlightProviderWindows | |
CStartupWizard | Startup Wizard User Interface |
►CStudyLogs | |
►CLogFilenameInfo | |
Cltstr | Comparison |
CThreadUpdater | |
CXCast | |
►NWIP | Work In Progress |
CLocker | |
CApplication | |
CareaInfo | |
CCBuilder | |
CCycle | |
CDebugData | |
CFatalError | A generic exception for errors that should end the program |
CFileTreeStudyLoader | A class to load studies from the file tree |
CGUILocker | Lock / Unlock the GUI (RAII) |
►CHydroErrorsCollector | |
CAreaReference | |
CHydroInputsChecker | |
CHydroManagement | |
CI_mtx_to_buffer_dumper | |
►CIniFile | Data for an INI file |
CProperty | A single entry in an INI file |
CSection | A single section, with all its keys |
CIStudyLoader | Interface for loading studies |
►ClinkInfo | |
CaddpWeight | |
CaddpWeightWithImpedance | |
CcomparepWeight | |
CcomparepWeightWithImpedance | |
►CMatrix | A n-by-n matrix |
CPredicateIdentity | |
Cmatrix_to_buffer_dumper_factory | |
CMatrixSubColumn | |
CMatrixSubColumn< Matrix< double >::ColumnType * > | |
CMatrixSubColumn< Matrix< float >::ColumnType * > | |
CMatrixSubColumn< U ** > | |
►CMemory | Custom memory allocator for managed pointers |
CStored | |
CMemoryFlushLocker | Avoid the execution of a memory flush |
CMenu | |
CMersenneTwister | MersenneTwister Pseudo random number generator |
CMinGenerationScaling | Prepare minimum generation scaling for each area |
Cmultiple_columns__dumper | |
Cone_column__dumper | |
CPrepareInflows | Prepare inflows scaling for each area |
CState | |
CStudyUpdateLocker | Avoid the use of the data related to a study for the lifetime of the object (RAII) |
►Nbenchmark | |
CStudyList | |
►NBenchmarking | |
►CDurationCollector | |
COperationTimer | |
CFileContent | |
COptimizationInfo | |
CSimulationInfoCollector | |
CStudyInfoCollector | |
CTimer | |
►Nboost | |
Chash< Antares::Optimization::PartialKey > | |
►Ncheck_general | |
Ccheck_interface | |
Ccheck_list | |
►Ncheck_hydro_level | |
Ccheck_hydro_level | |
►Ncheck_logs_content | |
Ccheck_logs_content | |
►Ncheck_mps_existence | |
Ccheck_mps_existence | |
►Ncheck_no_mps | |
Ccheck_no_mps | |
►Ncompare_mps_files | |
Ccompare_mps_files | |
►Nfind_output | |
Coutput_folder_finder | |
►Nfind_reference | |
Creference_folder_finder | |
►NFixture | |
CBindingConstraint | |
CLink | |
CRenewable | |
CThermal | |
►Nfixtures | |
Ccheck_handler | |
►NFSWalker | |
CEventsRegistry | |
CFileJob | |
CIExtension | |
CIJob | |
CStatistics | |
CWalker | |
CWalkerThread | |
►Nintegrity_compare | |
Cintegrity_compare | |
►Njson_collector | |
CchecksRetriever | |
Cerror | |
CjsonCollector | |
►Nkirchhoff_pytest | |
CStudyReference | |
►Nmodeler_output_handler | |
Cmodeler_output_handler | |
►Noutput_compare | |
Coutput_compare | |
►Nresults_remover | |
Cresults_remover | |
►NShortTermStorage | |
►Nsim_return_code | |
Csimulation_success | |
►Nstudy_input_handler | |
Cstudy_input_handler | |
►Nstudy_modifier | |
Cstudy_modifier | |
►Nstudy_output_handler | |
Cresult_type | |
Cstudy_output_handler | |
►Nstudy_run | |
Cstudy_run | |
►NTest | |
CBasisStatus | |
►Ntolerances | |
CLinux_tolerances | |
CTolerances | |
CWin_tolerances | |
►Nunfeasible_problem | |
Cbehavior_flag | |
Cunfeasible_problem | |
Cweeks_in_year | |
►NVariableManagement | |
CVariableManager | |
►NYAML | |
Cconvert< Antares::IO::Inputs::YmlModel::Constraint > | |
Cconvert< Antares::IO::Inputs::YmlModel::Library > | |
Cconvert< Antares::IO::Inputs::YmlModel::Model > | |
Cconvert< Antares::IO::Inputs::YmlModel::Parameter > | |
Cconvert< Antares::IO::Inputs::YmlModel::Port > | |
Cconvert< Antares::IO::Inputs::YmlModel::PortFieldDefinition > | |
Cconvert< Antares::IO::Inputs::YmlModel::PortType > | |
Cconvert< Antares::IO::Inputs::YmlModel::ValueType > | |
Cconvert< Antares::IO::Inputs::YmlModel::Variable > | |
Cconvert< Antares::IO::Inputs::YmlSystem::Component > | |
Cconvert< Antares::IO::Inputs::YmlSystem::Parameter > | |
Cconvert< Antares::IO::Inputs::YmlSystem::System > | |
Cconvert< Antares::Solver::ModelerParameters > | |
Cconvert< Monster > | |
Cconvert< Power > | |
Cconvert< Vec3 > | |
►NYuni | |
►NExtension | |
►NCString | |
CAppend< CStringT, Antares::Data::CostGeneration > | |
CAppend< CStringT, Antares::Data::LocalTSGenerationBehavior > | |
CAppend< CStringT, Antares::Data::StatisticalLaw > | |
CInto< Antares::Data::CostGeneration > | |
CInto< Antares::Data::LocalTSGenerationBehavior > | |
CInto< Antares::Data::StatisticalLaw > | |
CAbstractStartUpCostsGroup | |
CAdequacyPatchRuntimeData | |
CAnalysisMock | |
CAntaresStudy | |
CAntaresStudyAnalyzerJob | |
CAreaBalance | |
CAreaBalanceData | |
CAreaHydroLevel | |
CAreaHydroLevelData | |
CAreaHydroLevelGroup | |
CaverageResults | |
CBB | |
CBindingConstraintData | |
CBindingConstraintDay | |
CBindingConstraintDayData | |
CBindingConstraintDayGroup | |
CBindingConstraintGroupRepositoryFixture | |
CBindingConstraintHour | |
CBindingConstraintHourData | |
CBindingConstraintWeek | |
CBindingConstraintWeekData | |
CBindingConstraintWeekGroup | |
CCellColumnData | A single column |
CCommonFixture | |
CcommonFixture | |
CComparisonFixture | |
CComponentBuilderCreationFixture | |
CConsistenceNumberOfDispatchableUnits | |
CConsistenceNumberOfDispatchableUnitsGroup | Group of ConsistenceNumberOfDispatchableUnits constraints |
►CConstraintBuilder | |
CConstraintBuilderInvalidOperator | |
CConstraintBuilderData | |
CConstraintData | |
CConstraintFactory | |
CConstraintGroup | |
CConstraintNamer | |
CCsrAreaBalance | |
CCsrAreaBalanceData | |
CCsrBindingConstraintHour | |
CCsrBindingConstraintHourData | |
CCsrFlowDissociation | |
CCsrFlowDissociationData | |
CCsvCreationFixture | |
CCumulationConstraint | |
CDataFile | |
CExchangeBalance | |
CExchangeBalanceData | |
CExchangeBalanceGroup | |
CExpectedResult | |
CExprBaseVisitor | |
CExpressionToNodeConvertorEmptyModel | |
CExprLexer | |
►CExprParser | |
CAddsubContext | |
CAllTimeSumContext | |
CAtomContext | |
CComparisonContext | |
CExprContext | |
CExpressionContext | |
CFullexprContext | |
CFunctionContext | |
CIdentifierContext | |
CMuldivContext | |
CNegationContext | |
CNumberContext | |
CPortFieldContext | |
CRight_exprContext | |
CRightAtomContext | |
CRightExpressionContext | |
CRightMuldivContext | |
CShift_exprContext | |
CShiftAddsubContext | |
CShiftContext | |
CShiftMuldivContext | |
CSignedAtomContext | |
CSignedExpressionContext | |
CTimeIndexContext | |
CTimeShiftContext | |
CTimeSumContext | |
CUnsignedAtomContext | |
CExprVisitor | |
Cfake_buffer_factory | |
CFictitiousLoad | |
CFictitiousLoadData | |
CFinalStockEquivalent | |
CFinalStockEquivalentData | |
CFinalStockExpression | |
CFinalStockExpressionData | |
CFinalStockGroup | |
CFixture | |
CFixtureEmptyProblem | |
CFixtureFeasibleProblem | |
CFixtureFull | |
CFixtureInfeasibleProblem | |
CFixtureLoadFile | |
CFixtureMultipleTS | |
CFixtureStudyOnly | |
CFlowDissociation | |
CFlowDissociationData | |
CFolderRemover | |
CfullMPSwriter | |
CfullOrToolsMPSwriter | |
Cglobal_JIT_manager | |
CGroup1 | |
CHourlyCSRProblem | |
CHydraulicSmoothingGroup | |
CHydro_problem_costs | |
CHydroMaxPowerStudy | |
CHydroPower | |
CHydroPowerData | |
CHydroPowerGroup | |
CHydroPowerSmoothingUsingVariationMaxDown | |
CHydroPowerSmoothingUsingVariationMaxUp | |
CHydroPowerSmoothingUsingVariationSum | |
CI_MPS_writer | |
►CIItem | |
CIPart | |
CTag | |
CInjectionCumulationConstraint | |
CInMemoryStudyLoader | |
CInputFixture | |
CIntegerIndex | |
CIntoUTF8ArgsTranslator | |
CIProvider | Data Provider |
►CJIT | |
CInformations | |
Cjust_in_time_manager | |
CJobFileReader | |
CLibraryObjects | |
CLinearProblemBuildingFixture | |
CLinearProblemMatrix | |
CLinearProblemMatrixStartUpCosts | |
CLinkVariable | |
CMatrix_easy_to_fill | |
CMatrix_load_bypass | |
CMatrix_mock_load_to_buffer | |
CMaxHydroPower | |
CMaxHydroPowerData | |
CMaxPumping | |
CMaxPumpingData | |
CMaxPumpingGroup | |
CMinDownTime | |
CMinDownTimeData | |
CMinDownTimeGroup | Group of MinDownTime constraints |
CMinHydroPower | |
CMinHydroPowerData | |
CMinMaxHydroPowerGroup | |
CMockLinearProblem | |
CMockLinearProblemData | |
CMockMipVariable | |
CModifiedINode | |
CMonster | |
CmpsWriterFactory | |
CMyDummyFixture | |
CMyStudyFinder | |
CNamer | |
CNameTranslator | |
CNbDispUnitsMinBoundSinceMinUpTime | |
CNbDispUnitsMinBoundSinceMinUpTimeData | |
CNbDispUnitsMinBoundSinceMinUpTimeGroup | Group of NbDispUnitsMinBoundSinceMinUpTime constraints |
CNbUnitsOutageLessThanNbUnitsStop | |
CNbUnitsOutageLessThanNbUnitsStopData | |
CNbUnitsOutageLessThanNbUnitsStopGroup | Group of NbUnitsOutageLessThanNbUnitsStop constraints |
CNettingCumulationConstraint | |
CNonCopyableFunctionObject | |
CnullMPSwriter | |
CNullName | |
CNullProvider | A null provider |
COneAreaStudy | |
COptDailyStringGenerator | |
COptimizationStatistics | |
COptimizationStatisticsWriter | |
COptPeriodStringGenerator | |
COptWeeklyStringGenerator | |
►COrtoolsUtils | |
CSolverNames | |
COutput | |
COutputRetriever | |
►CPathList | Path list structure |
CFileInfo | |
CPathListIterator | |
CPMaxDispatchableGeneration | |
CPMinDispatchableGeneration | |
CPMinMaxDispatchableGenerationGroup | Group of Pmin/PmaxDispatchableGenerationGroup constraints |
CPower | |
CPredicateIdentity | |
CProblemConverter | |
CProblemMatrixEssential | |
CProgress | |
CPublicStudy | |
CQuadraticProblemMatrix | |
CReadFromStreamFixture | |
CRealName | |
CreferenceIniFile | |
CreferenceScBuilderFile | |
CRenewableClusterStudy | |
CResultMatrix | |
CsaveFixture | |
CSavingToStreamFixture | |
CScenarioBuilderRule | |
CSearchToken | A search token |
CSeparator | |
CSettings | Command line settings for launching the simulation |
CShortTermStorageCostVariation | |
CShortTermStorageCostVariationInjectionBackward | |
CShortTermStorageCostVariationInjectionForward | |
CShortTermStorageCostVariationWithdrawalBackward | |
CShortTermStorageCostVariationWithdrawalForward | |
CShortTermStorageCumulation | |
CShortTermStorageCumulativeConstraintData | |
CShortTermStorageData | |
CShortTermStorageLevel | |
CSimplexResult | |
CSimulationHandler | |
CSolverTestData | |
CSparseVector | |
CStartUpCostsData | |
CStringIsNotWellFormated | |
CStructureIndex | |
CStubOptPeriodStringGenerator | |
CStudyBuilder | |
CStudyData | |
CStudyFixture | |
CStudyForBCTest | |
CStudyWithBConCluster | |
CStudyWithBConLink | |
CSubstitutionFixture | |
CSumSubstitutionFixture | |
CSystemBuilderCreationFixture | |
CSystemLinearProblemBuilder | |
CSystemMemoryLogger | |
CTargetVectorUpdater | |
CTestContext | |
CTestException | |
CTestExceptionN | |
CText | |
CThermalClusterConfig | |
CThermalClusterStudy | |
CThermalIniFile | |
CTimeMeasurement | |
CTimeSeriesConfigurer | |
CTimeSeriesFile | |
CTSNumbersPredicate | |
CUserData | |
CVariable | |
CVariableData | |
CVariableNamer | |
CVec3 | |
CWithdrawalCumulationConstraint | |